Discussions At Dinner

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While Haze continued her stay at the Colors of The Wings, Ander began a challenge. She was about to begin what was-(She had the stars check her fate, and they confirmed it)- one of the most difficult conversations with her parents she would ever have. 

She wanted to go visit Ray. 

In the Sea Kingdom.


She brought up the matter at dinner, and was both surprisingly and unsurprisingly met with a unanimous answer from all four members at the table.

"NO." Joy, Kelp, Rin, and Shore declared. Ander sighed. Here we go.

"Why?" she demanded.

"Ander, you are far too young to go to the Sea Kingdom on your own," Joy began. 

"And besides, we barely even know Ray, or where he lives," Kelp continued.

"We don't know what his family is like or if they're good dragons,"

"And out of all of Pyrrhia, the Sea Kingdom is the LAST place you should be on your own, seeing as Queen Coral hates us,"

"There are lots of dangerous dragons in the world, Ander, and we don't want you getting hurt." They paused as they realized that all three dragonets were staring at them.

"Well, Ande, you've lost." Rin announced.

"Yep." Shore agreed. "There's no winning an argument if their retort syncs up like that."

"Relationship goals." Rin nodded. But Ander refused to let it go this easily.

"Please?" She insisted. "I know the way, I'd be careful and throttle any strange dragons that come near me, I'd stay with Ray the whole time, and his Mother is very nice from what he says. Queen Coral wouldn't even know I was there, and I can tell you literally anything about Ray you want to know."

"NO." Joy and Kelp replied instantly. 

"I am not too young!" Ander continued. "Shore snuck out to a bar in the SAND kingdom when he was WAY younger then me!"

"Please, don't remind them of that." Shore insisted. "Just thinking of the result giving me chills."

"Well, Shore wasn't allowed to do that either, and he paid the price for it." Joy retorted.

"Rin sneaks out all the time to be with Parrot! At least I'm asking first!" Ander went on.  Joy and Kelp's gaze flicked over to Rin, who laughed nervously.

"Why have you betrayed me?" she asked in a strained voice.

"I thought we told you to stay away from Parrot." Kelp commented.

"And why should I do that? He's perfectly harmless!" Rin shot back. Everyone replied bluntly.

"Because you're a bad influence on him." They replied in unison.

"Seriously." Rin sighed.

"And he's weak." Joy added.

"So?" Joy sighed. 

"Rin, look at our family for a moment. We have a line of very headstrong and powerful women, and both your grandmother and me married someone who isn't stronger than us, nor weaker. Date someone who can match you in a fight, not someone you'd kill." Rin stared.

"That is ridiculous."

"No, it's logical." Kelp agreed. "It's a balance. I don't overpower Joy and she doesn't overpower me. It works."

"Wait, what about me?" Shore asked. "Should i follow this advice?"

"You've already failed this part." Kelp explained.

"What? How!"

"Because Orange could beat the crap out of you." Joy supplied.

"Could not!"

"Yes she can." The rest of them insisted.

"Wasn't this conversation about Ander and her boyfriend?" Rin asked, trying to change the subject.

"Boyfriend." Kelp remarked. "Yet another thing I didn't get a say in."

"He's not my boyfriend," Ander explained. "He's my soulmate, and I want to see him!"

"It's not happening, Ander."

"Oh, so the only way I can do what I want is to go behind your backs?" She questioned. "Cause that seems to be the only thing that works."

"Meander. This discussion is over." Joy warned. Rin and Shore's eyes widened. The full name had been used. Ander was on thin ice now. Ander paused.

"What if you came with me?" She asked. "That way I wouldn't get lost, or be by myself, and you could judge Ray and his family for yourselves!" Joy and Kelp hesitated, exchanging a glance. That wasn't a half bad idea.

"...Maybe." Joy offered. Ader grinned. Sure, it wasn't a definite yes, but it wasn't a no, either.

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