Chapter 19: Escape

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-Aurora's POV-

Suddenly, someone entered the room with a smirk. I couldn't see this person's face clearly, but he looked familiar.

"How are you feeling, Aurora?" He said in a malicious voice. That voice, it was Hunter.
My jaw dropped to the floor.
"Surprised? If you really knew Xavier, you'd know why I'm doing this. Since you don't know him, I'll tell you the story. Xavier's grandfather was my grandfather's cousin, his father was the Alpha of the Red Blood Pack, but my father deserved it more than him. When his father decided to pass him the Alpha name, I stood against him. We decided to have a battle, Xavier won but I should have been the Alpha of the Red Blood Pack. After the battle, his father didn't want to be in an argument with a family member, so he said that I can have the gamma position. I said yes, but I never accepted it in myself, I promised myself and my wolf that I'll be the greatest Leader, no matter what I'll have to do, and everyone will fear me. And you're the most important person for Xavier beside his parents and his sister. Without you, he'll get weaker and weaker. With that, his pack will fall apart. And yours too because they don't have a Luna. Then his mother will become weak seeing her son's misery, which will affect the father seeing his mate and son like that. Then I can kidnap his sister. And that's how I'll take down the most powerful werewolf packs. And I'll continue and make sure that all the packs will disappear." He said with venom dripping from his voice.
"You'll never be able to let the werewolf race fall apart. The other packs will help our packs, we'll always stand together and we'll never fall, we're one team. We're one family." I said
"Haha" He said in a bored tone.
Then, he got a gallon that contains something liquid and started emptying it on the floor. The scent of gasoline filled my nostrils immediately. Then he got a lighter out of his pocket.
"Any last words?" He said
"Yes! Please let Rita go. She didn't do anything!"
"She tried to help you escape"

Suddenly, the wall beside him burst and one woman with two men entered. Rita woke up quickly and smiled at the girl. The girl was now behind Hunter putting a knife on his throat. She reminds me of Wonder Woman. Lol
"Any last word?" She said
He didn't say anything. So she quickly killed him.
"We have to move, everyone in here heard the wall breaking, they'll be coming in any second." Wonder Woman said
"Theresa you help Aurora and the boys will help me" Rita said
"Wait, you know her?" I asked
"Yes, she's my best friend and we're co-workers. She was with me when I was following the rogues that got you." Rita said
"Enough talking, we'll tell you everything later" Wonder Woman or Theresa said "Okay Aurora, you'll have to help me. You gotta push to the front with your wolf's help and I'll push to the back."
"I lost my wolf" I said.
They all stopped everything with their jaws wide open and their eyes were going to pop out of their heads.
"How?" Theresa asked
"When we tried to escape, they knocked me out by punching my head. And my wolf was already weak before being knocked out."
"We have to get out now" One of the boys said
"One of you, come and help me. We have silver chains here, and we have to be careful not to hurt Aurora more than she already is."
A boy came up to us and started pushing on the chains with Theresa. After a few minutes, the chains were broken and we could finally leave. We headed towards the hole in the wall.
"Can you shift?" Theresa asked.
"No" I said sadly
"You'll have to get on one of the boys back"
I got on the shoulders of one them and they started running through the woods.

-Xavier's POV-

I'm in the forest with the trackers and Tyler. I haven't seen Hunter since yesterday.

"She was Kidnapped" One of the trackers said.
"I fucking know she was kidnapped." I said angrily "Give me some information that aren't useless. I want her location!"
"Calm down" Tyler said
"I need to find her today. My wolf has gone crazy without her. Wait, you're from her pack, can't you mind-link her?"
"No, I feel like there's an emptiness in the mind-link. She might have blocked us out, or she closed her mind-link."
"Or she's dead" One of the tracker said
"Shut the fuck up. You can't predict that your Luna is dead. I can feel that she's still there. If she died, I feel it in myself. A part of me would die." I said.
Those trackers are pissing me off.
"They went that way." A tracker said "She was surrounded by a lot of rogues. But someone was following them"
I hope she's fine.
"Who was following them?" Tyler asked.
"I don't know"
"Take us to where Aurora is" I said
And we started walking.

After hours, we finally arrived in front of a big, old house.
"Is this where she is?" I asked confused "I can't smell her scent"
"She was here, but there's still some rogues in here" One of the trackers said
"wait, there's something on the other side of the house, I can feel it" Another tracker said.
We followed his senses till we arrived to a place where the wall had fallen. It was clear that there was a bomb in here. We entered the room, there was two big silver chains that were broken.
"She was here, she was attached to one of those chains" a tracker said
"Where is she now?!"
"It looks like she escaped"
Then I saw Hunter dead on the floor. My eyes were going to pop out of my head.
Suddenly two witches appeared in the chamber beside us. And five Dewends entered from the hole in the wall with 3 vampires and rogues behind them.
"Your little Princess escaped and killed our Leader" A Dewend said pointing to Hunter
"Hu-Hun-nter your Leader?!" I asked
"you're not coming out of this room alive, you know?" A vampire said
He was right.
"We're wayy stronger than you, you're just two trackers and two people in command" A witch said.
"You're right" I said
He looked at me with disbelieve.
"You're way stronger, that's why, I'm asking you to let us go in peace. No one has to die."
"Uhh... Yes, you must die. Your mate is a traitor."
"I'm related to your Leader" I said "I can be your new Leader, we shall rule the world together"
"Stop trying to trick us like we're some five-year old girls." The witch said.
I turned to look at her. I was preparing myself to attack. But something bit me in my wrist. I looked at it and saw a vampire sucking my blood. Tyler went up to him and bit him on the neck and killed him. The darkness started taking over me slowly.

-To Be Continued-
Hey guys,
Aurora is safe now, but Xavier isn't.
How are you?
I have two tests tomorrow, wish me luck.
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