Drunk Accidents

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+Norway: With Tom+

Tom spoke a lot to the kid from the amusement park, but he shouldn't be calling him a kid anymore. He grew up in height and stopped just below his shoulder. Also, the only reason he spoke more than the teen was because he would not say a word until he asked him something.

"I️ never did see your profile. Can you at least tell me your name?"

The soldier pulls the large sweet away from his mouth. "Ace." He simply answers.

Tom smiles and ruffles Ace's hair. "At least you can speak, that's good."

Ace takes Tom's affectionate gesture and leans into it while he goes back to sucking on his lollipop. He listened to Tom speak some more about memories when he and his friends went to ASDF Land with fondness in his tone.

"So what do you do around here Ace?"

Once again the soldier took the candy away from his mouth to speak. "I do security around the base and fight on the field sometimes." The Leader in blue nods seeing the rifle strapped to his back. Actually, that rifle looks like the one he used to shoot those zombies.

Tom hums at the answer, "Wait, how did you become part of Tord's Army anyways?" Be it the last time he saw him was at the amusement park ten years ago, where he left him with the gun.

Ace's gaze glanced away from Tom's digital eyes. "After you gave me the gun, which you thought goes with the game, I shot multiple zombies down and made a run for it. I found a good hiding spot later, but zombies were soon crawling in." He looks back at Tom with a softened expression as he remembers that day clearly. "Then Red Leader came in and saw me defending myself to a great degree. He saved me. He shot the zombies down with one bullet each. Then he looked down on me to personally invite me into his army."

"You were just a kid back then..."

The teen shook his head sadly. "I️ was an orphan. I️ had to survive on my own, face it and grow up. I had no home to return to, but he offered me one."

Tom reaches over to Ace to pull him in close for a hug. "It must have been tough. I️ had a hard time myself when my father died. My mother following after him with suicide because she was so depressed about his death." He rubs Ace's back up and down in a comforting manner. This guy had bottled up emotions by the silence he held. "It's okay now."

Silent tears seeped out of Ace's eyes and onto Tom's vest. His body quivering as his hands came up to grip at the fabric the other man wore.

Tom pats him on the back.

"It's okay."

~Time Skip: Return Date~

"Alright everyone, let's get this hanger ready for the returning planes!" Tom stand on top of a platform in the hanger as the department in charge of the planes stands before him. He taps his pen against the clipboard, "The Commie's planes will be here in about two hours. Enough time to prepare, clean up, and open the doors for the planes to enter after they move off the tracks."

Tom puts the hand, holding the pen, against his hip. "I️ want the medical team ready on standby. I️ got word from your leader they're bringing back a lot of injured soldiers. Give them priority attention. I️ don't want to hear they've been mistreated during transport to the medical ward."

"We got it covered Blue Leader," Maria, the head medical doctor of the Red Army, confirms as she gives Tom a firm salute.

The brunet nods, looking back down at his clipboard. "I️ want the patrol group to make rounds while the planes are close by. You never know when there might be some kind of ambush, especially when your leader's in the air." He turns his head to the other soldiers. "Finally I️ want the planes unloaded of their cargo and put back to storage accordingly. Then we'll be able to close up the hanger until it's needed again. Understood?"

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