Chapter 1, Part 1: Owen's POV

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Some people say that guns are mans' worst invention; others, women. Well, I beg to differ. That digital monster that insists on blaring obscenities at me first thing in the morning is far more evil than either of those things.

I opened my eyes blearily, but no sunlight was there to torture them. I could have sworn my bed was right next to that huge window, but maybe- Dim, red, light hit my cheek, and I could faintly make out the six on the clock face. "Danny!" I groaned, throwing my covers over my head, "Turn that damn thing off!"

Leave it to my roommate to have to shower like a girl in the morning! School doesn't begin until nine, for Pete's sake!

When the blaring continued, I glared and grabbed the first thing my hand touched on the floor. Unfortunately for poor Danny, it's my soccer cleat. A satisfying thwap followed my throw, and finally, the horrendous beeping stopped.

Suddenly, my warm nest I'd formed with my duvet is yanked from the bed. My foot is grabbed next. "Dude!" I growled, clawing at the sheets as I landed in an ungraceful heap on the floor. My head was shoved into something that smelled terrible, and Danny was laughing.

"Nothing like fresh air to wake you up in the morning, eh, Kherrington?" he chuckled as he released me from that nasal hell.

Now, I'm all for rough housing, especially with a bonehead like Danny-but at six in the morning, the only thing I was in the mood for was sleep.

I looked up, and Danny was all shits and grins, swinging my cleat in front of my haggard face. Snatching it from him, I whapped the loser upside the head and snickered. Crack of dawn or not, Danny was still my best friend, and it was especially hard to stay mad at him.

"Go do whatever the hell you're gonna do, and please let me sleep! I went to bed late last night."

"I told you to turn off that soccer game... how long did it last, anyway?" he asked, grabbing his school uniform.

"Oh, I dunno; sometime after midnight," I yawned.

"Nice! Well, have fun staying awake in Peskova's class- we've got her first thing today," Danny groaned, making snoring noises.

"Aw, not Chem first thing in the morning! Shit!" Mrs. Peskova was a portly lady, who adored the subject she taught. The only problem was, nobody else did. She was also a stickler for talking, and therefore loved a silent class. I would be bored to tears before I even walked in the door!

I heard the shower start, and snuggled back down into my pillow. Forget the duvet; I was going to be out like a light any second now... or not. My tired eyes refused to grow heavy, instead insisting on popping open every few seconds to stare into the inky blackness. I groaned once again, and succumbed to my fate; I was officially wake. At six in the morning. On the first day of school. With less than six hours of sleep. What did I ever do to you, oh cruel world?

Being awake this early allowed me the rare opportunity to go to breakfast. My lack of coherence in the morning usually prevents me from doing so. I was one of the first ones there because I didn't have to take a shower like my prissy roommate. I sat down alone (totally fine with me) and practically inhaled my pancakes. Sure, Cooper probably would have griped at me to eat something healthier, and Dana wouldn't have even bothered letting me get all the way to the table with this sugary dump- but that's the beauty of boarding school. Even though my brothers were not far away, they weren't here- and that's all that matters.

I could hear band rehearsal from outside, and the music had my head sagging towards the table. Well, a little snooze wouldn't hurt, right?

"...and students, I hope you all have a wonderful first day here at Willow Academy. Good day or not, the choice is yours."

"Shit!" I exclaimed, peeling my cheek off the laminate. The morning announcements had just gone off, which meant class had already started! Why hadn't anybody woken me up?

I glanced around the cafeteria; it wasn't empty. Must be the band nerds who were done with rehearsal. Damn! That's why nobody had noticed me snoozing away!

I thanked every high being I could think of that I had brought my bag with me, so I could run straight to old Peskova's room. I hightailed it out of there faster than I've ever run on the field.

I slid to a stop in front of the wooden door, and yanked the handle. It didn't budge. Crap! They can't be locking doors on the first day!

I knocked frantically, pulling at my disheveled shirt in the hopes that I appeared somewhat presentable. The door opened, revealing my scowling science teacher; she was probably upset because I'd interrupted her lecture on why Chemistry was "important to the foundation of a successful future".

"What's your excuse, Kherrington?" she snarled, blocking the doorway- and our altercation from curious eyes. I scratched the back of my neck- a nervous gesture- and fished for a believable lie.

"Coach K needed to ask me something about soccer, Mrs. Peskova. He only just released me, and he asked me to apologize to you for keeping me late. He knows how important science is, especially this year, ma'am."

Behind my back, I crossed my fingers that this little story would work, and grinned triumphantly (on the inside, of course) when I saw her face relax.

"Alright, Kherrington," she chuckled, allowing me to enter her class. I eyed Danny in the back corner, and hurried there, grinning madly. Mrs. Peskova was a smart lady, but incredibly easy to pushover. I knew I might have a chance at getting on her good side this year. I sat down in a desk, and slouched, resting my chin on my hands. I couldn't help the yawn that escaped, even after my recent cat nap. Time to be bored to tears.

At the end of her lecture, I still wasn't convinced this class was going to help me get into Yale. No, only soccer would do that. I must have hit a nice streak in Peskova, because she allowed the class ten minutes of free time to talk. I was busy telling Danny a dirty joke Cooper had told me the other day, when I heard my name being called.

I sidled up to her desk, wearing my best "I'm a good boy" grin. Mrs. Peskova, however, was anything but grinning. The grim mask from our meet and greet this morning was back, and I audibly gulped. As easy as she was a pushover, her bad side was as formidable as the worst of em.

"Ma'am?" I asked hesitantly, wondering what the hell I had done to deserve such a dare. The woman gave me a sickly sweet smile, and crossed her arms over her unappealing chest.

"I just got off the phone with a certain Coach Kherrington. I had thought to call him to commend him on what nice manners his younger brother had. Can you imagine what he told me?"

I remained silent, tugging at my tie nervously. The smallest shrug of my shoulders allowed her to continue her vicious sentiment.

"He told me he hasn't seen hide or tail of you this morning, Owen. I wonder which one of you is suffering from amnesia, because I know you wouldn't dare lie to me, would you?"

I hung my head. No lies would get me out of this one.

"Answer my question, Kherrington. Did you, or did you not, lie to me? Blatantly, to my face?"

"I did, ma'am," I mumbled, blushing as I noticed the class behind me growing silent.

"I see," was all Mrs. Peskova said, leaving me to chew a hole into my lower lip. Finally, after a few grueling minutes, she moved, opening a drawer, and grabbing a pen.

"First day of class, and you are late and lying. This is not a good way to start your year, Kherrington. I would let you off with a warning- seeing as I have not had too much trouble with you before- but I will not have my students lying so openly to me. Straight to the principal's office with you," she commanded, handing me a referral slip.

I almost argued, but I'm not quite that stupid. I mumbled another "yes ma'am", and then trudged to the door, looking forlornly at my teacher. Her face was stony, and she pointed her finger towards the exit; I got the message.

Unfortunately, I'm vaguely familiar with the route to the principal's office. I'm lucky enough to have only been sent here twice because I was in trouble. I remembered those times well. Now, I was doomed yet again.

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