Chapter 23, Part 1: Owen's POV

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Penny was glaring at me like I'd run over her cat or something (not that we had one, anyway), but there was no way I was missing out on this. How many times would I be able to see my enemy so vulnerable and my hide so safe? As far as indirect revenge goes, this moment was pretty satisfying.

I probably looked like the Cheshire Cat, standing there grinning madly and trying to keep from rubbing my hands together in pure satisfaction. I couldn't bring myself to care, however, because the one and only Zachery Oliver was at my brothers' mercy, and I was getting to witness it.

Ben and Dana were currently doubling up against my sister and my enemy, and it almost looked like some sort of showdown. How many steps until you could draw your gun?

I wasn't worried about being caught and told to leave; Ben had sidled right past me when he heard the commotion, not even giving me a second glance. I was sure they knew I was there, silently watching, but they hadn't mentioned my presence as of yet, so I wasn't leaving. Like I said before, this was a once in a lifetime moment!

"Ben, Zach wasn't even doing anything!" Penny said emphatically, glancing up at our eldest brother. Right now, he was her only chance to come out of this unscathed.

Dana opened his mouth in retaliation, but Ben—ever the voice of reason—spoke up first.

"It doesn't matter if he was doing anything or not. What matters, is what this male student is doing in your room, uninvited and alone," he stated firmly, leaving no room for argument. Trust Penny to try and push, anyway.

"He wasn't 'uninvited.' I invited him. I thought you said you wanted us to be able to bring our friends home?" she asked, just a hint of sass in her tone. Ugh, Penny, you'll never learn, will you? Just putting salt in the wound...

Ben sighed, crossing his arms and mentally preparing for the ensuing argument.

"Yes, I did say that. But you know that I know that you know what the rules are in this house."

Wait, what? Ben knows that Penny knows that Ben knows that Penny knows that... No! Penny knows that Ben knows that Penny knows that...

"You're not allowed to even bring a boy home without our explicit permission, much less have him in your room—alone—when we aren't home! So I don't care if you invited him or not, because you didn't even have the decency to ask one of us first!"

Penny glared at him silently, still petty and defiant but unwilling to contradict what Ben had just said; he had her cornered.

Zach chose that moment to open his big mouth, and my grin got impossibly wider. Oh, this was gonna be good!

"Mr. K, uh, Kherrington, sir, I promise we weren't doing anything other than homework—" he began, putting his hands up innocently.

Dragon Dana swooped in for the prey.

"Oliver, I would close your mouth if I were you. I could have you suspended, expelled, never able to go anywhere near the opposite sex again without written permission! I don't care if you were doing homework or having sex right on this floor—"

"Dana!" Penny shouted in outrage and embarrassment. Her face was as red as ever, flush disappearing under the collar of her uniform. "Shut the hell up!"

Woah, where had that come from? I was just as shocked as Penny; Dana was never that bold!

Ben seemed to sense that the situation was escalating too quickly, and he quickly took control again.

"Enough! Penelope Grace, don't you ever raise your voice like that to us! Do you understand me?" Ben was leering over his little sister, while Zach just stared on in disbelief. Ben was usually pretty laid back in class, and seeing him be as menacing as Dana must have been quite the shocker.

"No! You guys are being total assholes right now!" she shouted, throwing her hands up in the air. If Penny were a few years younger, she would have been rolling around on the floor having an absolute fit right about now.

I snorted, causing Zach to glance over at me, still watching smugly. His hands were balled into fists at his sides, and I knew if my brothers weren't there, he wouldn't hesitate to tackle me.

Bring it on! I egged on silently, waggling my eyebrows and crooking two fingers toward myself. By the way the jerk clenched his teeth, I was pretty sure he caught on to my nonverbal gestures.

"Penelope Grace! You had better stop!" Dana bit out, jaw tight and eyebrows practically touching.

"NO! YOU had better stop! You're not even fucking listening! We didn't fucking do anything!" she exclaimed, getting right up in Dana's face. Oh, no. This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all.

I wonder if I would be considered an eyewitness in the murder investigation? Or assault, however far it got before Ben managed to pull Dana off of her. This is all hypothetical, of course. Of course.

Dana had Penny's upper arm secured in a death grip and bent slightly so he could whisper something in her ear. I couldn't hear what he said, and I couldn't read lips, but I still had a pretty good idea of what he was saying.

"I'm about to tear you up, whether he's in the room or not. So you had better stop this attitude right. Now."

My second oldest brother let her go after a solid minute of tense silence, and I could see her eyes clouded with unshed tears, but she appeared to be the least bit remorseful. Oh, Penny, why do you have to be so stubborn?

"Whatever," my sister mumbled, kicking petulantly at the carpet. Zach stood, dumbfounded as to whether he should comfort Penny, despite our brothers' presence. Hell, I wanted to run in there and scoop her up in a big bear hug, even if all this was her own fault.

Dana sighed, clenching his nose between two fingers and shutting his eyes. I'd never seen him so at his wits end.

"Zachery, I think it's time for you to leave. I don't think I have to say that you will be facing consequences for this incident, and that your presence in this house will no longer be welcome," Ben stated.

Zach nodded dejectedly, all of the fight drained out of him after he saw how much trouble Penny was already in. I was glad he was smart enough not to make matters any worse by arguing. He shuffled toward the door, brushing fingers with my sister in a subtle 'I'm sorry.'

I moved out of the way, and my enemy trudged over the threshold, the picture of utter defeat. He didn't even have it in him to look at me, much less take me up on my earlier offer.

Unfortunately, Penny wasn't giving up that easily.

"This isn't fair!" she shrieked, but Zach didn't stay to see my brothers' reaction. He just kept on walking down the hallway toward the stairs.

I followed him, feeling confident and invincible. The shouts from my sister's room faded slightly in the distance as I stalked him like a predator would its prey. I didn't say anything, just watched smugly as he left our house with his tail between his legs.

I stood at the edge of the foyer as he placed his hand on the doorknob. "See ya, asshole," I remarked, leaning against the wall in ease.

His entire demeanor changed then.

My enemy whipped around, striding toward me until we were nose to nose. Gone was the defeat, the dejectedness, and in its place was the same smug cockiness that was beginning to be his trademark. I should have known Zach Oliver would never back down, even to someone as scary as Dana or Ben.

"Listen here, fucker. You may feel all powerful because your brothers think they own her, but you seem to have forgotten something—answer keys. Trust me, I'll make sure Dana finds out."

With that, Zach Oliver walked out the front door, looking the complete opposite of when he stepped out of my sister's room. I could hear the shouts from all the way down here.

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