Chapter 11, Part 1: Penny's POV

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"Would you guys slow down?" Caroline asked as she slowly jogged to catch up to Torryn, Julia, and me, owing all the way. "Coach K said to walk around the track, not power walk."

"We're only walking at like, two miles per hour," Torryn said.

"Yeah," Julia agreed. "And Coach K said that anyone he caught not walking fast enough would get a failing grade for the day."

"That doesn't mean we can't all walk slower ... like one mile per hour sounds pretty good to me right now," Caroline said. "How are you not in pain right now, Penny? My legs are killing me!"

"I am," I said. "I wouldn't be human if I didn't hurt at least a little bit after our first practice."

"Well you aren't really showing it," Caroline said.

I shrugged. I wasn't a big believer in showing other people when I was in pain—whether it was physical or emotional pain. While Caroline was gasping for air after our first practice, I still had some adrenaline from being pissed off at Owen. But after everything that happened yesterday, I'd been feeling sluggish today—I think I'd finally run out of steam emotionally.

"How was your first practice by the way?" Torryn asked. "I saw you guys when I was heading over to the field hockey field. But I don't think you'd started yet, because everyone was like gathered in this huge crowd and there was yelling and stuff going on. It looked like there was gonna be a fight but I didn't get to stick around to see what happened."

"Yeah ... that was me and my brother," I admitted. "Owen got his panties in a wad after he found out I joined the soccer team."

"Oh, that must have been awkward," Julia said. "Arguing about it in front of everyone."

I shrugged again. "Yeah, I guess so." Along with the sluggishness I'd been feeling all day, I'd also been feeling kind of anti-social. "Hey guys, I'm gonna do a couple laps around the track by myself."

"Really?" Caroline asked. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just wanna try to stretch out my legs to hopefully get them in better shape," I half-lied.

"Okay then," Torryn said. "Guess we'll see ya when you lap us."

"Yep." I then took off jogging. I needed some space. I loved my friends, and it wasn't so much that I needed space from them as much as I needed space from everybody ... and they just happened to fall under the "everybody" category at that moment. My home life officially sucked—Ben grounded me for three weeks (deciding to add an extra week after the way I left the dinner table yesterday); Dana still had my phone and who knew when he planned on finally giving that back to me; Owen was still acting like a whiney, arrogant, worthless piece of shit as far as I was concerned; and Cooper ... well, I guess Cooper hadn't really done anything to piss me off, but something told me that wasn't gonna last very long based on how my luck was going. And to make things worse, I had a feeling that my home life was gonna start contaminating my school life ... so I guess my entire life was on the verge of sucking.

As my shoes continued to slap down on the Tartan track, I could sense someone coming up behind me. It wasn't long before I looked down noticed someone's shadow starting to approach my shadow on the track. I tried to see who it was out of the corner of my eye, but within seconds the shadow's owner sprinted past me and stopped right in front of me.

I stopped dead in my tracks to avoid crashing into this frame of this person. I was taken aback a little when I saw who it was that was ruining my therapeutic jog.

"Hey, Pidge," Douchezilla said with a smile as he stood there in front of me. Awesome, my life really was about to suck even more. "Long time, no see."

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