Chapter 5, Part 1: Penny's POV

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The belt? They couldn't be serious, could they? Well okay, judging on the look Dana's face, he was dead serious. And Ben had a look that said he 100% backed him up.

Suddenly the phone rang. "I'll get it," Ben said before I had a chance to. Damn, that was probably my only escape ... not that they would of let me answer it anyway.

"Penny, let's go," Dana said as Ben went to grab the phone in the kitchen.

I crossed my arms. "I really don't think I did anything that bad," I said.

Dana's eyes widened. "Anything that bad?" he said, shocked. "You saw nothing wrong with the way you acted this morning?"


"I suggest you be careful with how you answer that," Dana warned.

"I mean ... okay, I probably shouldn't have left your classroom the way I did ..."


"And ... and that's all I got."

Dana let out a frustrated sigh. "Then let me explain it to you one more time," he said as he took a step closer to where I was sitting. "Eye rolling, back talking, arguing, being late, skipping detention—"

"I told you, Dana I didn't know I had detention." For a split second I debated reiterating that lie since Dana looked so pissed off at me, but I figured at that point I had to go with it.

"Even so, all that other petulant behavior is unacceptable."

"Okay fine. It's not acceptable," I admitted. "But I said I'm sorry, do you really need to spank me?"

"And there you go arguing with me again," Dana said as he grabbed my upper arm. "I already told you this isn't a give and take, Penny."

"Wait!" I said as he pulled me to my feet. Suddenly I got a better idea than just continuing to argue with him. "Can't I just take the lunch detention instead?"

"You already had a chance for that," he said. "Now bend over."

"No I didn't! I didn't know that I had detention today! Dana, please! I'm serious!"

Dana just stared at me, the way a parent does when they're trying to search in their child's eyes to see whether they're lying to them or not. Fortunately I was a good liar (what can I say, it's a gift), and once I was committed to a lie, I usually saw it all the way through. So far it'd been working pretty well for me.

When Dana took a deep breath, I took that as my chance to explain my case.

"I'll do a lunch detention with you tomorrow. I promise. Or even an afterschool detention if you want. Just please, don't spank me, Dana, please. It was the first day, don't you think I went through enough just by starting at a new school—"

Dana put his hand up to silence me. He then took another deep breath. "I don't know, Penny." Wait ... was he actually considering what I'd just said? "I'm really disappointed in the way you behaved today," he said.

"I know, and I'm really sorry," I said. "I completely agree that detention is a fair punishment for the way I treated you." Well, not really ... but I completely agreed that it was better than the belt!

Just then, Ben came back into the living room. "Dana, they need us back at the school," Ben said.

"Right now?" Dana asked.

Ben nodded. "Principal Yates said immediately." Ben had a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"This doesn't concern you," Ben said to me before looking back at Dana. "We gotta go now."

Dana sighed as he turned and looked at me. "You better go get started on your homework," he said as he put his belt back on. Wow, I didn't think my pleading was actually gonna work ... especially on Dana of all people! "We'll finish this conversation later." Okay, so maybe I wasn't off the hook yet.

"Yes sir," I said as I quickly scooted past my brothers, grabbed my bag and headed upstairs to my room.

"Did he say what it was about?" I heard Dana ask downstairs once I reached the top of the steps.

"Not exactly," I heard Ben respond. "C'mon, I'll explain on the way."

After I heard the front door close shut, I went into my bedroom. The first thing I did was plop down on my bed. I'd only spent a night away from this place thus far, but it still felt good to be back on my old bed, in my old bedroom. Though I will say the bed in my dorm was pretty comfy.

The last thing I wanted to do was make Ben and Dana any more upset with me, so after soaking in a few good minutes of lying lifeless on my bed after a hard day at school, I pulled out my homework. I couldn't decide where to start: biology, math, history, it all sounded so interesting ... not. Just as I made the executive decision to start with math (since it was Dana's favorite subject), my phone beeped. I opened it to see that I had a text from an unfamiliar number.

Hey penny its emmett. Hope its ok that danny gave me ur number. Owens in big trouble with coach and that made me remember the issue u said u had with ur other bro and i wanted to make sure u were ok ... otherwise i would have asked u in person for ur number I swear haha. Practice is about to start but ill check my phone during water breaks so call or text if u need anything.

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I realized the text was from Emmett. And I think it skipped another one once I processed the message and realized that he was texting me because he was worried about me. I could feel my cheeks get warm as I started to blush. That he cared that much to go and ask my brother's best friend for my number was like, one of the nicest things any guy had ever done for me. Sure, I was kinda bummed that I wouldn't get to savor the moment when he asked me for my number himself ... but there was always the time when he (hopefully) asked me out on a date to look forward to.

But wait ... what was going on with Owen and Cooper? I figured maybe Emmett would know ...

Hey emmett. Thats totally fine. Thx for checking on me. Im ok. Y is owen in trouble?

There was a part of me that wanted to race back to school and stop whatever the hell was going on between my third and fourth oldest brothers... even though I had no idea what Owen did ... because that was what Owen would do for me. But I knew that that wouldn't do anything other than get me in trouble with Cooper for trying to intervene and get me in more trouble with Dana and Ben for leaving the house. It sucked to know that I'd saved my own ass, but couldn't really save Owens'.

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