Chapter 26, Part 1: Penny's POV

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And Ms. Corella?


What in the hell was happening!

This was a nightmare, one of those nightmares where one minute you're standing up tall and the next you're falling into a never-ending black hole that you can't seem to get out of! Sure, I hadn't told Ms. Corella any of my deepest darkest secrets, but that didn't mean it didn't cross my mind to once or twice—there was a time when I thought about going to her over my guidance counselor on advice about what to do when all of my brothers were pissed off at me! And now I knew that truth: she was just using me to get to my big brother! She wanted to get in my good graces so that she could get in Coopers' faster! She didn't really care about my feelings, all she cared about were her feelings for him! What a bitch!

I was so wrapped up in the tornado that was blowing through my mind that I had tunnel vision to everyone I ran past on the way to my room. My vision only became normal again once I stopped running to fumble around for my room key. When I finally managed to put the key into the keyhole, I heard someone yell my name. But I didn't care who it was—I didn't even bother to wait for this familiar voice to turn the corner of the hallway as I turned the doorknob and stumbled into my room. Unfortunately my dorm room door was one of those that slowly closed on its own, so as much as I wanted to slam it shut, I couldn't.

"Penny!" I heard the familiar voice say, this time a lot closer than it was before. I turned around to see that Zach had caught the door with his foot before it'd closed shut. "Penny, what's the—"

I picked up the closest tangible item I could find—which was the geometry textbook on my desk—and threw it against the wall. Zach flinched at the loud thud it made, both when it hit the wall and when it hit the ground.

"Cooper." Was all I could manage to say to keep myself from crying or screaming, or both.

"Cooper?" Zach said. He just stood in my doorway, waiting for me to elaborate. "Um ... could you be a little more specific?"

"Cooper and Ms. Corella," I said, still staring at where my textbook hit the wall.

"Okay ... we're getting closer—"

I turned around and glared at Zach. "What, do I have to spell it out for you? God, take a hint! Cooper and Ms. Corella! They're dating!"

"Penny ..." he said as he looked at me with big eyes, shocked that I was taking my anger out on him. I guess it wasn't that obvious what I meant, but in the moment I felt like it should have been. I mean, I felt like it should have been obvious to me before that they were dating.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I went and sat down on my bed and put my face in my hands. "I didn't mean to yell at you."

"Don't be sorry," Zach said as he came in the room and let the door close behind him. Boy and girls weren't allowed to be alone in each other's dorms with the doors closed, but I didn't give a fuck about that rule at the moment. I didn't really give a fuck about any fucking school rule, especially the one about respecting your teachers. "I was just caught off guard, that's all." I looked up when I felt him put his arm around me after he sat down by my side. "I've always thought you're sexy when you're angry, Pidge."

I looked at him with the least amused face I could muster up. "This is serious, Zach."

"I'm just trying to make you feel better—I'm Mr. Smooth Talker, remember?" I sighed as I shrugged his arm off of me. "I'm sorry, Penny." As I put my face back in my hands, he tried side-hugging me this time. "How about I stop being Mr. Smooth Talker and become Mr. Good Listener?"

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