Chapter 6, Part 2: Penny's POV

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I love multi-tasking, and I'd say I'm pretty good at it. Holding a conversation via text message while doing homework at the same time—that takes skill. Although it didn't take as much skill this time, considering Emmett was only responding to me when he had a water break. The bad news was that he couldn't really tell me what was going on between Cooper and Owen; the good news was that he was willing to talk about pretty much anything else. I smiled when Emmett finally responded to my last text:

Emmett: Haha are u serious? he texted.

Me: Of course im serious. One thing I never joke about is how much i love the la galaxy

Emmett: How can u like the galaxy over chivas usa? Chivas is the best soccer team in mls hands down.

It took a while for Emmett to respond again, so he probably had to get back to practicing.

Me: first of all i grew up watching la galaxy games w/ my brothers so theyve always been my fav and second theyve won back 2back mls cups so they clearly r the best chivas sucks

Emmett: Penny idk if this friendship is gonna work if u dont like chivas haha

Me: well idk if its gonna work if you dont like the galaxy

Emmett: marcus says he agrees with me

Me: well i bet owen would agree with me. And coach kherrington

Emmett: Fine penny, u no wat well just talk about this later today when we meet up

Me: ...

I was wondering what Emmett was gonna say to my dot dot dot. I had to wait again to get another text from Emmett.

Emmett: ?

Emmett: Wat does ... mean?

Me: I cant hang out with u guys 2nite

Emmett: Y?

Me: B/c my bros are making me do my hw at their house

Emmett: oh that sucks

Me: yeah

Emmett: so can u hang out after? Or atleast get dinner w/ us?

Me: prob not i have to eat dinner with my bros

Emmett: aw thats annoying

Emmett: unless u like eating with them,then thats cool haha

Me: i dont mind eating w/ them sometimes,but eating with them every night is kinda annoying

I actually got a page of math problems done by the next time Emmett texted me.

Emmett: wait so this isn't a one time thing? U dont live with them do u?

Me: no thank goodness! Theyre just pissed at me right now so i dont think theyll let me go anywhere, but yeah family dinner happens every night

Emmett: aw if they werent my teachers id tell them to lighten up

Emmett: actually maybe not ur bros kinda scare me haha

Me: haha yeah they have their scary moments

Emmett: speaking of ur scary bros coach k is out here now so i gotta be more sneaky with my texts

Me: haha ok. dont get caught!

The rest of the times Emmett texted me were really sporadic, so I was able to get a lot of my homework done.

Emmett: man coach is making owen run for all of practice

Me: Wat? Y?

Emmett: idk he didnt say ... and I didn't wanna ask and be forced 2 join him theres still a lot of practice left haha

Me: haha thats probably smart

Emmett: so then wait ... since i have these long practices and u go to ur bros house, can we not hang out together afterschool ever?

Me: well i mean we can hang out before I have to go to my bros house for dinner

Emmett: i have soccer practice and that lasts until dinnertime

Me: damn thats right i totally forgot

Emmett: well maybe u can come watch practice sometimes

Me: ... Id love to, but idk if cooper would like that all that much

Emmett: Y?

Me: B/c hed freak out if he knew i was going to watch u

Emmett: just say ur going to watch u love soccer so much and know so much about it it wouldnt be that unbelievable

Me: thats actually a really good idea

Emmett: cool (:

Emmett: and u def have 2 go 2 our games

Me: those ill def be at

Emmett: good (:

Me: o ...

Emmett: o wat?

Me: ur 1 of those ppl who do their smilies like that

Emmett: smilies like what?

Me: backwards

Emmett: Wat?

Me: smilies are supposed to go not (:

Emmett: says who?

Me: says me

Me: and the official emoticon police

Emmett: haha there arent official emoticon police

Me: there should be ... and i should be chief of police

Emmett: penny wat r u talking about?

Me: like in a chatroom when u do (: it doesnt change into a real smiley face. Y? cause its backwards

Emmett: haha penny u r something else

Me: is that a good thing?

Emmett: la galaxy fan, anti (: smilies,emoticon chief of police ... not sure if it's a good thing for everybody but for u it works

I smiled.

Me: well if we all were chivas loving, (: making people, life would b boring

Emmett: fair enough

I completely finished my biology homework by the next time Emmett texted me.

Emmett: we got let out of practice bad ur stuck at ur bros.

Me: of course today is the one day u get out early and im stuck here. Y did practice end early b/c it's the first day?

Emmett: no ... b/c owen fainted.

My heart skipped a beat.


Emmett: Yeah hes fine, he just got up and hes with coach k. Sorry i didnt text u earlier but i didnt actually know it was owen until a little while ago, and i didnt want to scare u in case i was other coaches kept us doing drills on the other side of the field while cooper went and got the medic, but they just now cancelled practice.

I knew that it was now my turn to text something, but all I could think about was checking up on Owen. I knew that it'd be stupid for me to leave the house, especially since my gut was telling me that that was why Dana and Ben left the house in such a rush. So the first thing I did was call Owen's cell phone.

I waited...

And waited...

And waited for him to pick up ...

But I got his voicemail.

I wasn't surprised when he didn't answer, but I figured it was worth a shot. So the next thing I did was call the only other brother I figured wouldn't hang up on me: Cooper

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