Chapter 8: Penny's POV

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My heart was currently attempting to beat through my chest. I swear I wouldn't have been able to hear my own self think because the pounding was so loud in my ears.

Penelope Grace Kherrington...

Those three words NEVER brought good news with them, especially coming from Dana. Said brother was now waiting for me to respond.

" not exactly?" my voice squeaked.

"Don't you DARE lie to me again," Dana said, his harsh whisper not getting any louder. "Did you know about the lunch detention? Yes? Or no?"

Well, since Owen (who probably hit his head too hard ... although I guess he didn't know that I was gonna lie, so it isn't really his fault ... but still) screwed up my perfect plan, I didn't really have any choice but to confess.

"... Yes."

"You better be in your room when I get home, do you understand me?" I was gonna be dead once he got home. No, I was gonna be worse than dead. I was gonna be a zombie that came back to life just so Dana could kill me again. "I said, do. You. Under. Stand. Me?"

"Yes, sir," I muttered, twisting my hair nervously around my finger.

"Good. And don't expect to see your phone for a while either." I could just imagine him pointing his finger into the phone, since we weren't face to face.

"What! That's not fair!" I exclaimed, growing angry because everything was going so completely wrong.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me, Penelope, especially when you're already up a creek." My heart was beating again. This time, however, it was out of pure, unadulterated rage.

"What. Ever," I seethed, hanging up the phone on my most formidable brother.

Then my heart skipped a beat. Crap—did I really just hang up on Dana? I looked down at my phone, which was back at the home page. Let me rephrase that previous question: Crap, I really did just hang up on Dana! I suddenly dropped my phone on my bed as if it were hot to the touch. I can't believe I just hung up on Dana—how stupid could I be! He was already gonna cut out my tongue for lying to him...and now he would chop off my entire head too! I frantically picked up my phone and called back Cooper's phone.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Cooper said, without even saying hello, after he picked up the phone. "Hanging up on Dana—"

"Is that Penny?" I heard Owen say in the background.

"Do you have a death wish or something, Pen? What the heck was that?"

"I know, I know," I told him. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to—I wasn't thinking! Can you just put him back on, please?"

"Dana and Ben already left," Cooper said. I gulped. "I have to finish up here and then Owen and I will be there shortly behind them."

"What do I do?" I mumbled, not actually expecting any help from my third oldest brother.

"I suggest you wait for Dana in your room, like he said," Cooper said. I figured he'd say something like that.

"We'll be there soon, Penny!" Owen said. "Be strong!"

I sighed. "Okay, bye." I waited for Cooper to say bye back before hanging up the phone this time.

My room was usually the place I went to escape from things. Now, it was my personal prison. The walls caved in, threatening to suffocate me. The door couldn't open soon enough- I was just ready to get this whole thing over with.

The sound of a car engine actually relieved me. At least that meant I was that much closer to the end of this whole mess. Voices sounded downstairs, one gruff and angry, one calm and reasonable. It doesn't take a genius to guess which voice was Ben's and which voice was Dana's. I heard loud, heavy footsteps on the stairs and gripped my sheet, preparing myself for the worst.

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