Chapter 2, Part 2: Owen's POV

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The secretary eyed me disdainfully when I arrived, and gestured to the farthest chair from her desk. It was fine by me, as her beehive hairdo would have been an eye sore to stare at for the next ten minutes. The bell rang, and I realized I was going to be late for yet another class today. Oh, well. At least I'll have an excuse this time.

The second bell rang, and then all was silent in the office, save for the clock ticking above my head. I slouched down in my chair, gazing uninterestedly at my surroundings. I hadn't been in here since freshman year, when some asshole had dissed my soccer skills. He had claimed that there was no possible way I could have muscles, because all I did was run and kick a ball "like a girl". Needless to say, I proved him wrong with a right hook to his pretty boy face; you need muscles to do that.

Freshman year seemed like such a long time ago; it's weird to think it was just last year. I smirked, thinking of a certain freshman I knew fairly well.

Penny- the social butterfly that she is- probably already has a crowd of admirers surrounding her. I wouldn't be surprised if she was granted a seat at the "popular" table at lunch. I mean, how often are you going to find a girl who can wear a dress as good as she can throw a punch? Wait...

I groaned audibly, causing Beehive to glower at me from her antisocial corner. If Penny was attracting such attention, who's to say it wasn't masculine? The thought of my baby sister surrounded by a bunch of testosterone-raging guys was enough to have my teeth grinding and my fists clenching.

This, unfortunately, was how the principal found me- practically seething.

"Mr. Kherrington," he greeted, eyeing me suspiciously. "Another fight, I presume?" His brow rose as I hesitated to answer. "No, sir," I finally answered, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at this pompous ass.

"How surprising," Mr. Yates remarked, beckoning me with a long finger. I reluctantly followed into his lair-er, office.

"Have a seat, Mr. Kherrington," he ordered has he rummaged through his file cabinet. The folder he pulled out couldn't have been mine; it was so thick.

I wordlessly handed over my referral slip as the man sat down forebodingly. His eyes scanned the paper thoroughly, and I couldn't help the hand that went up to scratch at the back of my neck. Hopefully if I looked sorry, Mr. Yates would let me off with a warning. Well, one can dream, can't they?

"Lying this time, is it? Do you prefer to cause trouble in all aspects possible, Mr. Kherrington?"

I piled on the guilt even heavier, managing to have my eyes tear up a bit. This was all voluntary, of course.

"No, sir," I answered, deciding to play it safe and simple.

"So you didn't lie to Mrs. Peskova regarding your whereabouts this morning, then?" He looked amusing, as if he was enjoying this ridiculous question and answer session.

"Yes, sir. I did lie to Mrs. Peskova," I said, sarcasm dripping from the tip of my tongue. I left it at that, not wanting to be tangled into anymore lies today. Mr. Yates, however, seemed to be waiting for me to say something. He sat back in his chair, folding his hands and eyeing my expectantly. Finally- when he realized I had nothing else to confess- my principal spoke.

"No excuse, no explanation, for why this altercation occurred? Or is it just an everyday thing for you to lie so blatantly?"

"No, sir," I mumbled, running my thumb along the wooden arm of the chair. "No reason."

"Look at me, Mr. Kherrington." My eyes met his, and it was almost as bad as looking into Dana's black pits. I felt like this man could read my every thought, and it unnerved me.

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