
121 8 3

Our trust was like a house of cards,
Tumbling down at the wind's caress.
If we are close, we are miles apart.
Fooled by your charms and enchantments,
I stayed.

The changes you made were so drastic,
I'm aversive to change.
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
Making promises you can't keep, so you break them instead.
I loathe it, I loathed it, I loathed it.

Our hearts were supposed to beat as one,
Now they beat as separate entities.
Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum,
The giant crushes my hopes to dust.
Fee, Fi, Fo, Fun,
The giant burns holes in my body and soul.

I shall cut these ties now,
Don't want to be the third wheeler anymore.
I know you won't miss me,
So don't try to call me,
Because, I'm saying goodbye to this so called, "Friendship".

Epigramsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें