Adieu, Goodbye and Sayonara

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I'm pretty sure I don't want to see you again.
Because you are preventing me from reaching my success.
You keep weighing me down with your problems.
And if I can't solve them, you scream.
You scream and you scream and you scream.
You say things which will make Angels weep,
Yes, you are that horrible.
Even though I try to remain optimistic for you,
You just want to drown in your make-believe negativity.
You also like to over-exaggerate things,
Just to add some spice into your drama.
Everyone knows it's the same episode on repeat.
And honestly, no one has ever cared as much as I have,
And no one as ever put up with your bullshit as much as I have,
Yet, you call me the worst friend in the entire history of friends.
Why did I bother staying?
Because I thought you would change,
But I guess I was wrong.
Very. Very. Wrong.
So I bid you adieu, goodbye and sayonara.
I hope we never see each other again,
And I hope you don't become a waste of space.

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