You Never Saw It.

16 6 13

She smiles,
But do you see the pain behind it?
She laughs,
But do you hear the screams behind it?
She appears strong,
But do you see the insecurity?
Do you see the weakness?
You don't.
Of course you don't.
You never did.
Right up till you left her,
You never noticed.
You never noticed the puffy red eyes which she hid behind her glasses,
You never noticed the scars she hid under her sleeves.
And now she's gone.
Because you hurt her to the point she had to release herself,
Free herself from her shell. 
All she wanted was love,
To feel needed and wanted and cared for.
And what did you do?
You broke her.
So congratulations to you,
For making her leave this world too soon.

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