Night Terrors And Sleep Paralysis

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I woke up in a dream.
I was in a field of daisies and I was chasing after you,
But the further I ran, the further you went.
I just couldn't reach you,
Then I fell into a deep hole.
That was when I woke up again in the same dream.
But this time,
The field of daisies were acres and acres of ash.
You stood there in the middle of the barren land,
With your arms wide open and a sardonic smile on your face.
I knew I should've ran towards you but I walked,
Almost cautiously.
Because you never smiled like that.
I called out your name and you cooed mine,
It sent shivers down my spine and as I neared you,
I heard your voice shout from the left side of me,
Telling me to run away from the creature before me.
That was when the monster wearing your face pierced my heart,
And that was when I woke up again.
This time, on my own bed, in my room,
Bathed in cold sweat and immobilized.
I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried,
And from the corner of my eyes,
I saw the same monster that wore your face,
That was when my blood ran cold and I knew it wanted to haunt me in reality as well.
I prayed to God and I beseeched the angels to protect me.
But I felt abandoned and I had to surrender to my fate,
I surrendered to the false awakenings and the night terrors.

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