The Sappy Truth

14 3 1

Your voice fills me with warmth.
Your smile melts my heart.
Your eyes, I could stare into for hours.
Your hard work inspires me to do the same.
Your laughter radiates through me like fire.
You, just you,
Fill me with so much bliss.
You, just you,
Are the only only person I have genuinely ever needed.
As sappy as this sounds,
It's just the truth.
I'm sorry if I have made you cringe,
The truth will be the truth.
And the truth is,
I. Love. You.
A/N: Here is another poem filled with happiness and love ^~^
And this poem is the 150th one!
DJSKSSK- I'm shooketh
Yes, it's a love poem filled with cringe but- then again, love is something cringy xD
I'm not in love..or maybe I am *wiggles brows* or maybe it's cuz I thought I'd write one because I've written so many sad ones. Yee, you guessed it. I've gone through a big bump in the road. But I'll recover. It's how life is. We gotta get up and keep moving forward.
Show some love and comment! ^~^

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