The Journey To Self-Love

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I think I need to be alone.
Because I cannot love another soul,
Whilst having so much hate for mine.
I need to search for self-love,
Maybe even operate the hatred out.
But this self-hate is too cancerous,
Not even chemotherapy can cure it.
No, I don't need anyone's love to help me,
I need to create love within me.
I have to battle the hatred with self-love,
You must understand that this is the only way.
So stop telling me how much you love me it how amazing or beautiful I am,
Because that only makes me think that you're feeding me with lies?
It's makes me...hate me more.
I know, these aren't your intentions,
And I know, it's bizarre and unbelievable to hate oneself even more when another is trying prove them wrong.
But to me, it is so.
I hate it.
So please stop trying,
Even if you come with good intentions,
I just need to go on this journey to self-love alone.

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