Chapter 89: I'm Back

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The forest seemed to be fighting with me, not wanting me to be able to return home. Everywhere I turned there was a fallen log on a mess of vines that would catch my feet. I stumbled along as quickly as I could needing to get home to tell Carter about what was going to happen.

The sun was beginning to rise and I was sure that he would have made it back to the house hours ago. He was probably worried sick about me and wondering where I was, he may even have already gone out searching for me. Of course that was unnecessary as I was now running back to him as fast as my legs would carry me.

I was only about a mile from the house when I heard the howling of a familiar wolf. Carter must have just discovered that I was gone and he had to be freaking out. But that didn't make sense, why would he just be getting home now? Where had he been?

In no time at all I had almost reached the front door and I could practically feel the worry and anguish flowing out of the house. What would he say when I walked in the door? He was definitely going to be mad at me, but would he hit me? Logically I knew that he would never do that, but that small part of my brain kept yelling at me telling me that was what men do when they are angry. I was trying to mentally prepare myself for what was about to occur.

Before I could make it within ten feet of the front door it was thrown open and I was faced with a livid mate. I couldn't look at him as I dragged myself through the door and into the little sitting room. I could feel his eyes burning into me like a branding iron, which unfortunately was something I had actually experienced.

As I went to sit down I was pulled into a stiff embrace. I couldn't move Carter was holding me so tightly against his chest that I knew I was going to have bruises tomorrow, but I couldn't blame him. I didn't fight to get out of his grip letting him hurt me because I knew that he didn't mean to and it was comforting him at this moment.

"Don't you ever do something like that again. I don't care if it saves a hundred lives you won't risk yourself and leave me alone. What would I do without you?" Carter's voice was hoarse as if he had been crying and it was only then that I noticed his red eyes and swollen cheeks.

"I'm sorry I worried you, but I was trying to do what was best. Then while I was out in the forest I heard these men searching for me and they were talking. They said that they were going to kill the whole pack and I couldn't let that happen. I had to come back and warn you so we could keep everyone safe." I told him and a dark look crossed Carter's face, one that showed fear, real and true fear.

"Those men were looking for you? And you heard them talking? Elinn were you hiding?" I was confused by his question.

"Of course I was hiding I was in the tree's right above them. They didn't find me though, just kept walking." I told him hoping that it would calm him down, but it did the opposite and Carter ran out of the room.

Before I could blink he was back and standing in front of me. In his hands he held two small vials of liquid, one was blue and the other and very unappealing yellow.

"Drink these, drink these right now Elinn!" Carter ordered me and I hesitantly did as I was told. As soon as the yellow liquid hit my stomach my body began to shut down. My legs couldn't hold my weight and my voice wasn't working. I looked up frantically at Carter bt he seemed to expect this reaction and just held me.

He carried me over to the wall and pushed on a brick causing the wall to slide back. He placed me in the cubby and looked down at me grimly.

"I'm sorry, but you'll understand in just a minute, this had to be done." I didn't believe him, there was no reason for him to have done this.

He pressed the brick again and the wall slid back. There was a very thin gap that allowed me to see a small portion of the room. I watched as Carter stood waiting in the middle of the room. After about ten minutes a familiar smell hit my nose and I wanted to cry out. Carter had to get out of here, but it was too late. I heard the door open and the voice that haunted my thoughts filled the room.

"So you're the bastard that stole my property, I think it's time you return what's mine."

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