Chapter 2: Roses

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(Y/n) POV:

I woke up on a tree. It was the morning after the mission at the mist village. I scanned the area to make sure nobody was around, and hopped down from the tree. I stretched a little, and checked if all my gear was where it was. After I finished, I reached into my pouch, and pulled out two food pills. I popped them in my mouth, and instantly felt energized. Soon the buzz of energy began to wear down, I started walking around. Last night had been a tree outside the east side of the Leaf Village. While walking, I was thinking about where I would sleep tonight. It was tiresome to be homeless, but the views were not too bad. Eventually, I reached the doors entering the village. I pushed it open, and walked in. There were several guards posted, but the sun hadn't even rose yet. As a result, I just walked right past them without them noticing. I just strolled around the village for a few hours, until the sun rose up. Soon, the businesses began to open up, people were walking around, and children began to play outside. I was observing all of this, while crouching next to a sleeping guard. He was actually forming an abnormally large snot bubble. I quickly left before it popped, and sent projectiles everywhere. I began strolling once again, until I stopped. There was snickering coming from an alley up ahead. I looked on the ground, and saw a trip wire. I looked back up again to see a lady walking with her arms full of groceries. She was going to trip. I silently merged into the shadows, and cut the trip wire. After that, I appeared behind the two boys that decided to pull the dangerous prank. They were laughing like crazy as the lady approached where the wire was. Then the lady walked right past, and the boys quickly grew confused.

Boy:"Huh? What happened?"

Boy 2:"Hey, somehow the trip wire was cut."

I tapped the boys' shoulders. They turned around and screamed at a very high pitch.

Boy:"Ahh! Where did you come from?"

I remained silent, and just walked past them. As I left the ally, I quickly sidestepped. One of the boys tripped onto the ground at where I stood. I just looked at him, as he got up. The boy then screamed to his other friend.

Boy:"Get him!"

I quickly brought my hand up, and caught the three kunai that the other one threw. I turned around to see a shocked kid.

Boy 2:"H-How did you do that?"

I pocketed the kunai. I was about to walk off, but the kid that tried to tackle me threw a kunai with an explosive tag.

Boy:"I got you now!"

I caught it, and it exploded. Dust was sent flying everywhere. I just blinked off the dust that somehow entered my mask. When the dust cleared, there was a very large crowd surrounding the area. Apparently, the explosion had caused the village to want to investigate. I looked to see the two boys that tried to attack me stand together in fear.

Boy:"T-T-That's impossible. No one can survive that!"

I clenched the kunai, and snapped it into two. I threw the broken pieces onto the ground, and began to walk away. I didn't want any problems, but these two didn't get the message.

Boy 2:"Hey freak! Are you going to walk away in the middle of a fight?"

It wasn't even a fight. If it was, they would be dead. I continued walking. The crowd in front of me began to make way for me. However, I noticed their eyes widen, as I hear loud footsteps behind me. I sighed, and turned around. The boy suddenly had a katana from out of nowhere. I looked behind him to see an old man on the ground, with an empty scabbard. The boy swung at me, and I caught his wrist. I twisted it, and he cried out in pain. The katana fell, and I caught it. I pushed the boy away, and walked over to the old man. I returned his katana.

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