Chapter 6: Red Leaf

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(Y/n) POV:

'My eyes...'

The new patterns constantly switched patterns. I knew I had unlocked Eternal Mongekyou, but why is it changing?

Hokage:"This is strange indeed."

I turned around to face the others. Anko was in utter shock. Ibiki look mildly surprised. Hokage seemed worried.

Hokage:"Is this what happened to (F/n), too?"

Anko:"What do you mean?"

The Holage turned to face her.

Hokage:"(Y/n)'s father seemed to have this as well. A changing Sharingan. Multiple eyes with different powers."

Anko:"How is that posssible?"

Hokage:"I'm not sure, but it must have something to do with (Y/n)'s bloodline."

He glanced over at me.

Hokage:"And past."

I knew what he was referring to. My eyes welled up a little. He placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

Hokage:"What will you do know with this power, (Y/n)?"

I was unsure. Nothing has never motivated me to do anything. Except now.

"Kill Orochimaru."

Anko looked at me in disbelief.

Anko:"What?! Look what he did to you!"

Hokage:"Didn't he also bring severe damage to Orochimaru, too?"

Anko:"Yes, but-"

Hokage:"(Y/n) rivals the legendary Sanin's power. Imagine what he could do if he had the proper training and guidance."

Anko:"But who will train him? No other Uchiha is left."

Hokage thought for a second.

Hokage:"(Y/n) will just have to master his newfound power on his own. For everything else, (Y/n) will still need a teacher."

Ibiki:"Then who will it be? Any skill I have left to teach (Y/n) is all taught."

Hokage:"(Y/n) will seek out the legendary Sanin."

Anko:"But no one knows where they are."

The Hokage looked back at me.

Hokage:"You should be able to find them. Correct?"

I nodded silently. The Hokage hummed in approval.

Hokage:"After the third part of the Chunin exams, you are to seek out the legendary Sanin."

I nodded and teleported away.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (Y/n) freaking out everyone...

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