Chapter 10: Sanin Level

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A/n: Another chapter of Naruto👍 Thank you all for over 36K views!

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(Naruto POV):

My arms ached all over. I was strolling to another area to practice the Rasengan. The trees at my first location were destroyed after thousands of attempts.

'Almost got it.' I thought in satisfaction. In a few hours, I should be ready to defeat Tsunade and claim her necklace. However, I'll have to rest before the big fight. Not to mention I was hungry.

"I want some ramen right now..." I complained in hunger and looked around for some berries. Those should at least keep me from starving. However, my eyes widened when I saw something else. It was (Y/n) laying on the ground motionless.

"No. This is some trick." I stared in disbelief. However, (Y/n) still lied there after I pinched myself. Then I realized, he might actually be in trouble.

"(Y/n)!" I screamed his name and ran over to check on my teammate. I slid over to his side and began to shake him.

"Hey man, wake up!" I shouted loudly and continued to shake him. (Y/n) was still unresponsive, so I picked him up to see that he was sleeping. This put me in a sour mood.

"Great. Now I have to carry him." I muttered in annoyance and began to wrap my arm under his. Then I lifted (Y/n) up and began carrying him back to our hotel room. For someone his size, he was pretty heavy.

"I thought you only ate food pills." I said and peered at the sleeping ninja. Then I realized, his mask was gone, and his face was all bruised and bloodied. What could have taken down (Y/n)? I thought he was super powerful and all.

I took another step and almost tripped, but managed to catch myself. After recovering my balance, I noticed a whole new scene in front of me. It was if an entire war went down in this forest area. Trees were toppled. Burn marks were everywhere. Craters formed every few meters. I looked back at (Y/n) and gulped in fear. Whatever or whoever did this must be really powerful to do a number on (Y/n).

"Don't worry pal, I'll get you some help. Maybe pervy sage will know something." I assured and continued on.

After a few minutes, we entered town, and I was exhausted. The consecutive training, carrying (Y/n), and long hike took the energy out of me. I was about to take a break, but noticed someone running towards me.

Shizune:"Naruto!" She cried out my name in panic. I peered over at her in slight relief. She still can't be trusted fully, but (Y/n) needed help.

"Hey, can you help (Y/n)?" I asked weakly before my eyes rolled back, and I blacked out.

(Shizune POV):

I watched Naruto collapse, and (Y/n) fall over. I quickly ran over to check their pulse, and they were both alive. However, (Y/n)'s was faint. Then I examined his wounds first and gasped. These were precise medical ninjutsu strikes. Very lethal.

'Who could have done this?' I asked in fear. The skill level of the attacks landed on (Y/n) were top notch. Not to mention, he went toe and toe with Tsunade. How is he beaten so easily? Who could have beaten him so easily?

I had to snap out of my thoughts and quickly picked the two boys up. Then I carried them back to their room to aid them. Naruto just needed some healing from the extensive use of his chakra. I'll call Tsunade later to help these two, but they needed my care first.

Once I arrived at their rooms, I sent TonTon to go fetch Tsunade, while I help heal the boys. After stabilizing them for the most part, I awaited for my master. Eventually, I heard a knock on the door and opened it. It was Tsunade.

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