• Prologue •

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She stood in front of the mirror observing herself. She still couldn't believe how the situation turned out to be. The woman she saw was clad in blood red lehenga with heavy jewellery. Soon to add to it, there would be sindhoor in her hair partition and mangalsutra in her neck letting people know of her marital status. She doesn't know what life has in store for her, specially this marriage which is why she is being nervous right now. Add to that the wedding jitters and you get a very very very nervous bride. But somewhere she also felt calm. She wondered how and what kind of change, this marriage would bring in the equation of their Boss-employee relationship.

Her heart flutters just by thinking about her would be husband. She can now admit to herself that she does like him not in that way of course, he was her boss after all. Who wouldn't like him, seeing his caring and humble nature, work ethics, and add his good looks to the mix. She had deep respect for him since she met him because he treated others fairly. She also received the same, and hopefully would continue to receive the fair treatment after marriage as well. The only thing that gave her relief was that they knew each other. This was way better than marrying a stranger. And then, he was someone she knew she could learn to love given the time.

"Jeevi beta! It's time."

Jeevika took some deep breaths trying to calm down herself. But the anxiety just wouldn't leave her. Ultimately she settled for not letting others see her anxiousness.


The groom wasn't going through all this with any different feelings. He too was nervous, his good looks might be satisfying for others but he knew, with Jeevika the equation would be different. Not that he would have it any other way. He also knew, that he had been the one with most advantage in the situation. His soon to be wife wasn't even aware of half the matters that had occured unknown to her. And despite himself, the situation couldn't be helped. And thus Viren Singh Vadhera vowed to compensate for this, in his own way. He would do his best at this relationship, and he didn't require any kind of confirmation from anyone to know his bride would do the same.

The bride is nervous and so is the groom. They both have made some promises in their hearts, but will they be able to keep up with their expectations ? What advantage was Viren talking about?


Since this is the prologue, the chapter is shorter! But I promise the upcoming chapters would be longer. If there's anything specific you guys would like to see, do let me know😉

Published on 9th Feb,2018

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