• 14. The elderly advice •

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At the moment, Virat and Manvi sat at the back, while Viren sat at the front with Jeevika. Right now, they were traveling in the cars arranged by dadi sa to pick them up. Both the brides had their faces covered by the pallus of their sarees, as they were just 5 minutes away from their destination.

As the pallus covered their sight, the brides got down from the car with their husbands' help. Of course, the duo wouldn't leave any chance for intimacy that was both new and exciting for them for different reasons.

Viren of course offered a hand to support while smirking at his wife who only blushed in embarrassment. On the other hand, Virat not only held hands with his wife but his right arm was placed on her waist for support, which was quite unnecessary according to his wife. 'This guy won't leave a single chance'. True to her words, he pulled her closer making it look like he saved her from falling. "Be careful Maanvi! If you get hurt, my heart will bleed." While the onlookers had completely different impressions about the city lads being welcomed.

"Such romantic chaps they are!"

"Look at them, so young yet responsible and kind to their wives. And look at you, years back when I entered you didn't even hold my hand."

Of course, the times had changed. Now people were more accepting of such PDAs which long back would have garnered negative attention. The old ladies especially were going gaga over their "caring" actions.

"Enough now! Let me get the aarti done and you all can go rest in your rooms. There's gonna be a lot of things for you to do later. It won't do if you are tired." The ladies giggled at her innocent remarks.


At the moment, all one could have heard were giggling sounds coming out of the room, but unfortunately, the men had no clue what was so funny that their ladies found so entertaining.

"Just hear them, bro! Look how our wives are having the time of their lives, without us! How can they do this to us!", Virat sulked looking at Viren who sat on the cot chatting with others.

"What can we do Virat? You wanna go in and drag them out of there in front of everyone?", Viren pointed out rationally.

"Ah, you youngsters don't have patience at all." A middle-aged man responded to their query.

"What do you mean Kaka sa (uncle)?" Virat's forehead creased.

"My son, the important skill a married man needs to have is to know how to coax his wife to spill what's in their mind. Women have a special interest in keeping things to themselves, especially the problems they face because they think it might add to your worries and burden you even more."

"Kaka sa is absolutely right. Therefore it is important for you to ensure that they know to come to you first before anyone else when any troublesome situation crops up, just like they would approach you first to share their joy." Naren added with a smile.

"But how do we do this?" Viren had a feeling this would especially apply in Jeevika's case. Virat could also see the truth in their words but due to different reasons. Maanvi had no one but herself to depend on. The first time she might have actually been the time he settled the lawsuit for her place. Maybe he should have a talk with her on this before he forgets and some problem occurs.

"It will take some time of course. See, the thing is that until now they have had their parents to reach out to, in case of tough situations so coming out with their worries in front of families would be like second nature to them. But now that they have a new family to take care of, additional responsibilities, and most of all, the complete environment changes. They are around new people 24/7. There will obviously be some apprehension. Many people say that a man also has additional responsibilities to handle. And yes, it is true but the people around him are the same. He can have a talk with his parents whenever he wants. He is going to stay with them exactly as they did before. How can it then compare with changes women face who leave their maternal homes and come to stay with you?"

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