• 5. Her pure feelings •

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Priya entered the floor having her son's cabin knowing that Jeevika's cubicle was near it. As she entered she saw a young girl with waist long hair talking on the phone whil writing down something on her notepad. The way she spoke softly but firmly showed her shy nature but also indicated that she could be assertive when needed.

"Yes surely Neha. I will get back to you about Sir's meeting with Mr.Agarwal in few hours since he's not available right now."

Priya let Jeevika get done with post call arrangements and after being sure that she wasn't interrupting with ongoing work greeted.

"Hi Jeevika."

All she got was a smile. Knowing the girl was confused she continued.

"I am Priya, Viren's mom. I wanted to talk to you a bit."

"Oh! Namaste Aunty. Why don't we have a seat there!"

She pointed towards an L shaped couch and led her there. Sitting across each other both of them could look at each other comfortably while chatting.

"Won't you serve me tea?"

Priya asked to confirm the conclusion her mind had reached.

"Would you like some now? I am sorry I didn't ask because Narem sir once told me you don't like to drink tea again after having it in the morning."

So she was correct, her daughter in law already seems to know quite a bit about their family.

"Hmm.. that's correct. But I can make an exception for you."

'You're going to be my daughter-in-law after all, hopefully.'

"Okay then."

Jeevika called the cafeteria to bring a cup of tea and some biscuits on the floor.

"Aunty, you said you wanted to talk about something."

"Ah yes. I wanted to know a bit about Viren. You see I want to know how he treats everyone and other things also. I haven't asked anyone else because they just say good things only to suck up to our family. But you are someone who has worked for my husband, so you know what we prefer is honesty be it good or bad. So I am asking you ,if he's someone you like to work with, you're comfortable with."

Thinking that Priya was just worried about her son, Jeevika knew all she needed was to just clear up a few things and then add in her own opinion.

"Aunty, I know that many people must have said how good Viren Sir is and I do believe that it could be because of trying to curry favor but I am sure, you must have noticed that they didn't exaggerate it, because they didn't need to. So I assure you while their intentions may not be proper but their praise was correct. He is someone who knows how to be hard yet soft. Is approach adjusts accordingly depending on who the other person is. He knows how to take along everyone ahead with him willingly. And we employees enjoy working with him. Personally what I appreciate about him the most is that he is humane."

Priya then knew, this girl will understand him like no other. But now came the most important part. Would she be willing?

"Oh well. That's good then. But there's one more thing. What I wanted to ask was about your working hours. I mean you employees have your personal lives too. So do you guysget enough time for your personal life? After all girls your age most likely have a boyfriend, so dating needs some investment from time aspect also no?"

"Actually Aunty, I don't have a boyfriend."

Jeevika told her blushing. Priya could see, her tips of ears getting red from embarrassment.

"Eh? You don't? Are your parents against love marriage?"

She finally came to the real thing. Hopefully she would get the answer everyone wanted to hear. She wasn't sure anymore if she would able to take it if Jeevika didn't like the proposal from the heart. Jeevika's response brought her out of her trail of thoughts.

"Actually aunty, I trust my parents would be able to find a better choice than I ever could. I mean I know what I want but my parents would know, not only what I want but also what I need.  Of course they will ask my opinion in the end but I know they will choose the best."

By the end of her talk, Jeevika's face glowed with her positive thoughts and Priya too couldn't help but be happy herself.

"Jeevika, actually I came here for something else. I hope you won't take it heart if you find it wrong and be honest with me. I won't blame you if you say no. At all."

Sseing her trying to get her emotions under control, Jeevika knew what she had to do.

"Aunty, I promise you I will be honest with my answer as much as possible."

Jeevika was careful with her words because she didn't like to make false promises. She didn't like to share her personal and private things with people unless she is very close with them and she had an inkling that Priya's question was going to be somewhere along that line.

"If I say, I would like you to be my daughter in law, would you say yes? I just want an honest answer Jeevika. If you say no, no one would ever know about this. If you say yes, then I would like for our relationship to get closer."

"Aunty, I ...how?..um.."

Jeevika was completely baffled. She didn't expect Priya's question to be so bold and blunt. But she couldn't help but want to share everything with Priya, since she knew Priya meant every word she said. Although Priya didn't say it outright that she would be disappointed if Jeevika said no, so as not to pressurize her emotionally it only helped her make the right decision.

"Aunty, like I told you before I consider my parents's approval to be most important. So if they and Viren Sir himself is willing then...."

She couldn't continue at all. Her emotions were going totally out of control. Priya's condition wasn't any different. But she still needed an affirmation.

"You aren't saying this because you can't say no right? I don't mind if you say no, no ins would be angry with you. You have my word."

In her current emotional state all she could manage was a shake of her head while wringing her dupatta.


Here Viren was waiting for the court hearing to come an end.

"Dad, did mom call you? Just check once again, your phone could-"

"It is not on silent mode and my phone is right in my hands, son. I don't see any missed calls either. So try to calm down yourself."

Naren patted his shoulders.

Feeling vibration in his pocket, he took out his phone. Before he could say hello, Priya was already done with what she wanted to say.

"It's a yes Naren, it's a yes. Call our in-laws and inform them immediately."


He kept his phone back knowing his son didn't know who had called. He wanted to tease him a bit but seeing the poor guy"s situation he felt pity and hugged him tight.

"Congrats son."


Hi everyone! Been so long since I updated no? I am really sorry I couldn't keep my promise since entrance exams kept popping up and I just didn't want to I update for the sake of it. I hope this chapter was upto the mark.

Like I said before I won't be dragging out the story and try to get to post-marriage life ASAP. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

Happy monsoon! Eid mubarak! And Happy father's day in advance 😁

Since I still have exams going on I won't be able to promise regular updates but I will try to.

Till then, Ciao!

And for the happy news, this story has ranked #171 in SHORT STORY! Thank you guys for your love n support 😘❤

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Published on 16th June, 2018

The CEO's Chosen BrideOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora