It's Time To leave

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I'm surprised with Mistral's beauty. I converted my Frontier credits into lien at a small booth and looked around. There was a man selling armor at a cart, some people selling food, and various clothing vendors. I didn't end up buying anything, save for a scroll, but it was nice to have a look around.


"Everyone, pack your things and get outside. Scavenger is en route with my ship," I announced as I walked through the door.

"To Atlas?" Oscar asked.

"Of course we're going to Atlas. My Titan and my ship are almost here, so hurry up."

I could hear my ship landing outside in a clearing. I walked outside to greet my Titan. "Hey Scavenger."


"What mission? We're going to Atlas now, that's the mission."


Everyone walked outside as I was doing a little bit of external maintenance on my ship. "Well guys, this it. An IMC Widow. She may not look like much, but she gets the job done. Not unlike my Titan." I joked.


"Wait. Who said that?" Ilia asked, clearly confused.

"Well, Scavenger, come out." I ordered.

She complied and stood at her full hight. Everyone's eyes widened. That was pretty much the reaction I expected. I'll do them one better. I jumped up, using my boots to propel me higher, and Scavenger grabbed me. Her cockpit opened and she placed me in the chair. The canopy closed and what she saw was shown to me. She transferred the controls to me and I reached for her scythe. She twirled it a few times. Show-off. I opened the hatch and jumped out.

"Everyone, get in. We need to get to Atlas now." Qrow waved everyone toward my ship.

I flicked a few switches after everyone was inside and the systems whirred to life. The vertical thrusters lifted us up and I switched to forward thrust. We quickly left Mistral behind.


Flying was smooth until I heard a shrill screech from outside. Everyone rushed to the cockpit to see what I saw: a Nevermore.

"FUCK!" I tried to shake it but no luck.

"What kind of weapons does this thing have? Machine guns? Lasers?!" Ruby shouted, obviously concerned. I didn't know this at the time, but she was thinking back to Roman Torchwick's fate.

"Heh, child's play." I smirked under my helmet. "Hold onto something."

I cut the engines and let the Nevermore fly over us. Everyone screamed except for me, having done this many times before. I turned the engines back on and activated the heat-seekers. Firing two, I banked left and leveled off. The missiles exploded on contact with the Nevermore.

"Are you TRYING to get us killed?!" Weiss yelled at me.

"I believe the words you're looking for are 'Thanks for saving our asses Milo!' To which I reply with 'you're welcome.'" I retorted.

She crossed her arms and turned away from me. "Fine, be like that, Ice Queen." I chuckled.

"EXCUSE ME?!" She was livid.

"Weiss..." Ruby tried to calm her down.

Well, this is gonna be a long flight.

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