Street Chasing

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Ozpin told me there was a warehouse directly connected to Beacon. He said I could leave Scavenger and my ship there when school started again. I landed my ship on top of the warehouse and exited with Penny and Qrow. I climbed down the ladder on the building's side. Ozpin/Oscar was waiting for us. "So, this is the warehouse?" I asked.

"Yes. Like I mentioned, it is attached to Beacon. You will be permitted to use Scavenger during the second half of initation, but you will not need her often. She will be staying here." Ozpin motioned to the building.

"I apologize in advance if she does anything stupid. Wait, where are everyone else?"

"Team CFVY, team SSSN, and Jaune are inside. Ruby and Weiss are out on a date, Blake and Ilia are out to discuss some things, Yang went to speak with Junior, Emerald and Mercury are exploring Vale, and Ren and Nora went to get take-out. Now that I say it out loud, sending Nora to get dinner was not a smart idea."

"Well, I'm going out. I wanna see more of the kingdom."

"You're welcomed to. I know that you can look after yourself, but I would appreciate it if you were back before midnight."

"Got it. See ya later." I climbed back up the ladder and into my ship.

I opened my small suitcase and took out some clothes. I ditched the pilot jumpsuit and changed into a black t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, a black hoodie, and I tied a black bandana with the Apex Predators logo around my neck so it covered my right shoulder. I guess one could think of it as my emblem. I still wore my normal pilot boots. I attached sheaths and holsters to my calfs and hips respectively and put away my data knives and holstered two MK5 smart pistols for a change. I pocketed some revolver chambers filled with fire dust for my arm. Weiss gave me the dust. If shit hits the fan, at least I get try out dust instead of lead. I went down to the storage bay of the ship. I looked around and finally found a small vehicle. It was motorcycle, simliar in design to Yang's but different enough and black. I guess Remnant tech and Frontier tech aren't so different after all. I flew my ship down into the warehouse, instructing Scavenger to stay there.

I turned on the motorcycle's headlights and started the engine. It roared to life and the headlight turned on. I sped out of the warehouse and toward the kingdom. After wearing my pilot helmet for everything, the wind felt great in my brown hair and on my face. Just the fresh air was amazing. The kingdom wasn't far from the school, so I made it there quick. I came out here to enjoy myself, but apparently, fate was not on my side. I felt like something was behind me, and I was right. I looked in the rear-view mirror, seeing a black SUV with four guys in it. They all wore balck tuxedos with red-tinted aviators and black fedoras. They looked like steriotypical bad guys from movies. I swerved out of my lane and turned such that I was behind the SUV. I unholstered a smart pistol and let it do its job. Click click click. Click click click. Click click click. Click click click. The pistol locked on to all the men in the SUV. I was about to squeeze the trigger, but someone from a building next to me shot me. The bullet bounced off my Aura, but it did enough for me to lose control of the motorcycle. I swerved again, but it didn't matter. No one was on the streets at this hour. I pulled up next to SUV and took aim again. The rear window rolled down and a man aimed an pistol at me. I fired first and killed all but one of the men. The SUV lost control and swerved until it crashed into a building. I stopped my motorcycle next to the destroyed car. The man in the passenger seat was struggling to get out. I turned off the SMART pistol's auto-aim and shot the door handle. I then shot the window out so I could talk to him. I replaced the pistol's magazine and turned auto-aim back on. My only complaint about the SMART pistol is that it only carries twelve rounds per mag. I let it lock on and lowered the weapon, making sure it still had its locks. I looked the man dead in the eyes. "My gun is already locked on to you. All I need to do is pull the trigger. If you value your life, you'll answer my questions. Do I make myself clear?!"

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