Beacon Is In Danger

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I took the elevator down to Junior's bar and threw some more lien to him. "What's this for?" He asked.

"I'm keeping my ship on your roof for a while, so that is for your trouble," I answered.

"Why don't you keep this? I've got a job for you, merc."

"How'd you know I'm a mercenary?"

"I know everything in Vale. Now, I need you track down someone and bring them to me."

"Not now, I have a mission of my own."

"Fine. I'll find someone else."

I walked out and went back up the elevator. I divided everyone into teams for recruitment. Ruby and Weiss are going after Taiyang Xiao Long. Sun is going after the rest of team SSSN. Team JNPR (the P standing for Oscar Pine) and Yang are going after Raven Branwen. Blake, Ilia, Qrow, and myself are going after team CFVY. I'm taking my ship and leaving everyone else to their own devices. Every person I recruit for this will be promised money.

I walked inside my ship. "Alright, everyone out unless you're coming with me. We're splitting up. You each have your targets. You know why we're doing this and what's at stake. Divide and conquer." Everyone exited except for my team.
Once everyone not with me was off the ship,I fired up the engines and flew toward the abandon part of town.


I brought the ship down on an abandon building. I exited, only to be shot at by a girl with a Gatling gun. I blocked the shots with my right arm and cloaked. I jumped down and kicked the gun out of her hand as my cloak wore off, unsheathing a data knife and pointing it at her. I had Ozpin give me a dossier of every student at Beacon, so I scrolled through it until I found the girl. "Miss Coco Adel, I presume?"

"How do you know who I am?!" She shouted.

"We think the relic at Beacon's in danger and we need help," Qrow stepped in.

Coco saw Blake and I assumed she thought she could trust us. She retrieved her gun and it transformed into... a handbag? These weapons keep getting weirder and weirder. "Follow me," she said.

Yang called my scroll. "I'm a little tied up right now, Yang. I'll pick her up as soon as I can." I hung up.

Coco led us to her camp where the rest of team CFVY was staying. Fox, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi all drew their weapons.

Coco spoke first. "They need our help."

"Who needs us? There's nothing worth helping here," Fox said.

"We're defending Beacon. My sources tell me that it's relic is a target." I explained.

"And what sources are those?" Yatsuhashi crossed his arms.

"I can't give out names, but I can tell you that he's an information broker in Vale. If you won't help willingly, I'm happy to pay you all handsomely."

"I will defend my school if it is in danger. Rather, what's left of it."

"Anyone else?"

Everyone volunteered. The best part is, it didn't cost me a cent. "Everyone, follow me to my ship. We don't have much time before the attack."

"What attack?" Velvet asked, obviously concerned.

I explained what my source told me.

"Oh... I'm uncertain about this."

"Are you in or out, Velvet?"

"I'm still gonna fight."

Good. I hope the others are having similar results.

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