All to Ashes

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The dropship landed in Beacon's courtyard, the roar of the engines waking everybody from their sleep. On the flight back, Kane and Viper introduced themselves to team RWBY. When the ship landed, the two mercenaries escorted team RWBY to Ozpin's office, the Titans flying the ship to the warehouse. Upon hearing the door open, Oscar stood up and shifted to Ozpin. "Are you alright?" He asked, concerned.

"Fine now," Blake said.

Viper and Kane approached Ozpin with weapons in their hands. Viper showed Ozpin the newly acquired Wilt and Blush and Kane displayed to him Melodic Cudgel. "What happened?" Ozpin asked.

"Me and Scorch killed Torchwick," Kane said bluntly. Ozpin seemed appalled by his simple choice of words.

"I defeated this sowrd's owner in combat. He still lives, but with no one to watch his back," Viper explained.

"You two are dismissed. I need to speak with team RWBY," Ozpin said.

The pilots nodded ad left the room, descending in the elevator. "We should hang these things in the warehouse," Kane suggested. "As trophies."

Viper examined the blade he took from Adam. "Agreed, although I do not know how much I can admire a sword. Blades should not be used as primary weapons, only for swift attacks and finishing off an opponent."

"I disagree. I'm sure Ash would as well."

"With Ash fighting against us, why should I hold her opinion with any value?"

"Speaking of Ash, how do you think Wreckage is doing?" Kane dodged the question.

"I'm sure he and Scavenger are doing well in their fight."

—-(Wreckage POV)—-

"Scavenger, shit is going absolutely fucking sideways! Any ideas?" I shouted over the clanging of metal on metal.


Scavenger was about to make a grab for the sword, but Ronin had other ideas. His sword crackled with electricity before it was engulfed by lightning. "Scav, stay out of the Arc Wave's range!" I ordered. I figured it would be common sense, but I never know with her. All we could do was stay out of range and wait out the Sword Core.

Once it was over, Scavenger and Ronin clashed blades again. Scavenger blocked another swing with the scythe's handle, keeping it steady. She moved her hand up the handle, reaching for the top of the scythe where the blade began. She pulled at the top of the scythe, revealing a pistol. Catching Ronin off guard, she unloaded a whole magazine of fully automatic lead into Ronin's optic. I noticed Ash phase shifting out of Ronin, but he was to be finished off first. Scavenger ripped off Ronin's hatch and placed her hands on the edges of the cockpit. She pulled outward, ripping Ronin in half, lengthwise.

Now to deal with Ash. I disembarked my Titan, determined to finish Ash off personally. She reappeared from the phase dimension, data knives in hand. I unsheathed my data picks, the shafts extending and the blades springing out. I ran towards her, making swing after frantic swing with my blades. She either blocked them or dodged them all. Noticing my drive to kill her, Ash saw that I was becoming sloppy and careless with my strikes. She managed to plunge one her knives deep into my chest, missing organs but hurting like hell. I dropped to my knees, unable to support myself upright. My breathing was shaky and my strength was quickly decreasing. Seeing an opening, I grabbed Ash's arm and electrocuted her. An additional dose of adrenaline that I didn't even know I had kicked in, allowing me to get up and shoot her point blank between her mask's eyes with my EVA-8.

I put the weapon back on my back and sheathed my picks. Looking down at Ash's body, I sighed. That's the second teammate I've killed in one night. I took her death mask off her face and ripped her dog tag off from her neck. I also placed a satchel charge on her corpse. I pocketed the items and beckoned Scavenger to follow me, knowing full well that if I stopped moving I would pass out. I detonated the satchel, hearing a bang from far off. I just kept sprinting. Back to Vale. Back to Beacon. Back to friends. Using my friends as a motivator, I kept running with Scavenger having no trouble matching my pace. I knew she was thinking about all the ways I had hurt myself and all the comments of my idiocy that came with then, but she kept quiet. Finally, I saw Beacon's gate not far ahead. Scavenger ran ahead of me to open the gate, not caring about any collateral damage she could cause. She remotely opened the door to the warehouse, allowing us access. I was presented with the sight of my team, team RWBY, Kane, Viper, and the Titans who all wore horrified expressions. I could not tell with Viper and Kane, as they both were wearing their helmets. When I entered the warehouse, everyone was greeted with the sight of me, bloody, beaten, bruised, knife still in my chest, but somehow still alive. I tried to catch my breath, but as I predicted, I passed out and collapsed on the ground.

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