Playing With Fire

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The mercenary cut the comm, proceeding to carry out his mission. He phase shifted, approaching the pair of Faunus silently. Blake heard him exit the phase dimension she and prepared to draw Gambol Shroud. She nodded to Adam, who released two shockwaves from Blood and Rust. The mercenary's jump kit ignited, allowing him to jump over the first shockwave. When he landed, a blade sprang out from his right wrist and he sliced the second shockwave in half. Blake recognized the jump kit, identifying this merc as a pilot. She noted a few details for later, such as the arm-mounted weapons, the maroon hood and cloak over his left shoulder and arm, and his glowing red visor in the shape of a manta ray. The mercenary contacted his employer once more. "This is Manta. A complication has risen. The target is armed and is not alone. He is accompanied by a cat Faunus, female, black hair, amber eyes."

"Deal with it," ordered his employer. Manta deployed his arm blade again and rushed Adam. Despite it being four blades against one, Manta held his own aginst both Blake and Adam. Manta retracted his blade and took two canisters from the interior his cloak and threw them at the pair. A blaster sprang out from his forearm and a violent jet of fire erupted from its barrel. The canisters exploded when the fire reached them, flames surrounding the pair of Faunus.

"I'm not here for you," Manta said to Blake. He turned to Adam. "I'm here for you." Adam scowled and rushed through the flames towards Manta. He jumped and raised Rust, bringing the knife down on the pilot. Manta, flicking away his cloak, caught the blade in his left hand. "Big mistake." He easily snapped Rust's blade clean off of its hilt. Adam was shocked, as was Blake. Using the distraction to his advantage, Manta deployed both of his arm blades and attacked both Adam and Blake. Blake took one side while Adam took the other. "You are both too predictable." Manta phase shifted, causing Blake and Adam to fall towards each other.

Manta appeared a moment later behind Blake. "BLAKE!" Adam shouted. She turned around, only to be met with a hard punch to the head. She collapsed, unconcious. Manta retracted his blades and deployed his flame throwers, promptly firing at Adam. Adam blocked the fire with Blood's blade. Manta continued firing, but Adam never moved or flinched. He waited until Manta's kerosene canisters ran dry before making his move. Manta retracted his flamethrowers and deployed his blades once again. He rushed at Adam and jumped up, intending to bring the blade down on Adam with all his strength that remained. Blood's blade and everything on Adam's body glowed red, and Adam made a clean slice directly through Manta's blade. The severed half clattered as it hit the ground.

Manta tried to put some distance between he and Adam."You are proving to be a larger challenge than anticipated. Your strategies and techniques allowed you to best my own, those being unorthodox for pilots. Know that when we meet next, I will not be so merciful." Manta covered his left arm with his tattered cloak and covered his head and helmet with his hood before phase shifting away. Adam was left with an unconcious Blake and many questions that he knew he might not find answers to.

He picked Blake up bridal-style and carried her back to the warehouse. He entered the building and gently placed Blake on a couch.

(Wreckage POV)

"What the fuck happened?!" I asked, angry. I unsheathed both data picks. "You better not have gone back on your word."

"I didn't. There was a mercenary, I think sent to kill me. He knocked Blake out but I sent him running before he could kill me." Adam explained.

"Did you catch a name?" Kane asked.

"He said his codename was Manta."

I recognized the name instantly. I hesitated before asking, "Was he a pilot that used a flamethrower?"

"Two, on his arms."

That didn't sound like Manta when Rumble and I fought him. "Was he able to hop between dimensions? Was his visor shaped like a manta ray?" I continued with the questions.

"How would you know that?"

"Answer the question!"

"Yes, to both. He wore a tattered maroon hood and cloak as well."

Those were the defining characteristics I was looking for. "That's not good. That's really not fucking good."

"Why is that not good, aside from the obvious?" Ilia asked.

"Rumble and I fought a pilot of the same name, who wore the same cloak, had the same custom helmet, and could phase shift on the Draconis when we went to take out the Fold Weapon. I thought Rumble killed him, but I didn't bother to stick around to see if he finished the job. How deep was his voice?"

"It was very low, almost to the point of robotic," Adam answered.

"Does Atlas have the tech to replace the respiratory system with robotics?"

"I wouldn't be surprised," said Mercury.

"His swords and flamethrowers were stored in his arms, making me think they're robotic. Not to mention the fact that he caught and snapped off Rust's blade." Adam revealed the hilt of the knife.

"Breathing in the Phase Dimension must have destroyed his lungs, so that would be the only way for him to survive. Anyway, if this really is the same Manta Rumble and I fought, he is very dangerous and should not be taken lightly. He is armed and ready for anything we throw at him. Do not engage under any circumstances. I know most of you helped save the fucking planet, but you won't have your Titans with you this time, or your pilot gear. Trust me, it's better to avoid confrontation for now."

"He's not wounded, but he is somewhat disarmed. I destroyed one of his swords."

"My orders still stand. You will not engage."

"What about us? We're not part of your team," Kane said.

"Maybe not, but I still outrank you, Sergeant Kane." I put extra emphasis on his rank. "Please trust me. He already knows where we are, so I'd rather not risk anything. Am I clear?"

Viper was the first to answer with a firm "yes, sir."

"Viper. You know how I feel about that. But, I want to make myself crystal fucking clear. Under NO circumstances should you EVER engage Manta."

—-(Elsewhere, Third Person POV)—-

Manta entered the great hall of the mansion, deep within the home of the Grimm. Before him stood a woman with a stark white complexion, a disgraced Atlasian scientist, and a scorpion Faunus. The mercenary knelt on one knee. "My apologies, your grace. My mission was a failure. Adam Taurus still lives."

The scorpion Faunus laughed maniacally, his robotic tail swaying from side to side. "Now our new friend will find out what Lord Salem does to failures."

"Quiet, Tyrian. This is a minor setback. Do not fail me again, or you shall share Cinder's fate," Salem threatened.

"I will not, your grace. This I swear to you."

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