A Hard Truth and a Rival Faction

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My team and I did our homework in the warehouse, getting it done quickly. I finished the last of it when my scroll rang. It was Ozpin. "Milo, would you and your pilot comrades please come to my office to meet with General Ironwood?"

"Alright. What about?" I asked.

"Kingdom defense."

"We'll be right there." I hung up and turned to the other Predators. "Kane, Viper: helmets on, weapons locked. We need to meet with the General about kingdom defense."

Kane put on his helmet and the two mercenaries approached me. I turned to the Titans. "Scavenger, Northstar, Thundercracker, Scorch: make sure my team doesn't touch anything."

Viper and Kane followed me out of the warehouse to Ozpin's office. I'm pretty sure we intimidated every student we passed. I ignored students calling my name, staying professional. We entered the elevator and ascended. When the door opened, we were greeted with the sight of not only Ozpin and Ironwood, but Qrow and Glynda as well. "Hello pilots," the general greeted.

"General," I said respectfully. "These are mercenary friends of mine, Kane and Viper."

Viper bowed and Kane remained still.

"Please, soldiers, no need for hostilities. Please remove your helmets." Ironwood sat back down in his chair.

Kane and I removed our helmets while Viper kept his on. I swear that thing is attached to his head. "How can we help you, general?" Viper asked.

"You three posess a certain set of skills that would be invaluable to Atlas's army. I would like to ask two favors of you. I would like my soldiers to go through pilot training and certification and we would like to apply Titan technology to our Paladins."

"With all due respect, general, absolutely fucking not," I said calmly. "You will never get your hands on Titan tech, or any other Frontier tech. The only Frontier tech you have is my arm, which was destroyed by a goddamn chainsaw. You may have been able to reverse engineer it, so congrats, you can build a Simulacrum's arm with a couple modifications!"

"Where is this coming from?"

"I'm not done! If the IMC ever comes here, WE will be the ones to handle it, not you and your weak army. You may think you can defend this planet, but you can't. Not against them. But I can and the Frontier Militia can. If you and your army can't even put down a Grimm attack and a White Fang attack, then what chance do you think you have against hordes upon hordes of Spectres, Stalkers, and Titans?! Yeah, I know about that. So if the IMC attacks, I'm calling in the Maurader Corps, the 6-4, the Angel City Elites, and the Apex Predators are already here. We, the pilots, are taking that battle. Not you!"

Ironwood seemed appalled by my statement, as did Ozpin and the other teachers. Kane and Viper stuck by my side. "You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot do, young man. How I should and should not run my army. If anything were to happen, from this so-called 'IMC' or anything else from your world, we would be more then able to handle it."

"You're wrong," Kane said. "I've seen the damage with my own eyes. I've seen the damage because I've caused the damage. And I'm one pilot, piloting one Scorch, and if I can level entire towns by myself, you have no chance against the IMC."

"And Ironwood, just know that I will do everything in my power to prevent you from fighting the IMC. Good day to all of you." I stood up and walked back toward the elevator, Kane and Viper following me. Kane and I put our helmets back on as the three of us stepped into the elevator.

We followed the path back to the warehouse, once again ignoring everyone and everything. I opened the door to find Scavenger telling my team about missions Scavenger and have been on. "Alright, Scav. That's enough of that," I said.

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