First Day

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Scavenger started speaking to me through our neural link. YOU NEED TO GET UP, PILOT. YOU HAVE CLASS IN EXACTLY EIGHT MINUTES AND TWENTY SIX SECONDS.

Well shit, Scavenger. I replied to her. I got up and woke up my team. "We have class in eight minutes. We need to fucking hurry."

We all changed into the school uniform and headed out, skipping breakfast entirely. I concealed a data knife in my school boot. Port's classroom was very close to the dorms, so we made it on time, but we cut it very close. As we took our seats, Port started lecturing us.

"The Beowolf is a very common but very dangerous creature of Grimm. I am sure you have all fought one at least once in your career of being huntsmen or huntresses. Their primary form of attack is their very sharp claws. They also..." Port droned on and on. I sat back in my chair, just letting him talk. This went on for thirty fucking minutes before he said something worth noting. "Now, who wants to fight one?"

I stood up. "I'll do it."

"Mr... Milo Hunter, is it? Very well. You may fight this creature. You have five minutes to change, but you may not use a weapon. Only your semblance."

No problem, I thought. I am the weapon. I sprinted out of the classroom and went to my dorm. I changed into my pilot jumpsuit and grappled my way back to Port's classroom. "Where is this thing?" I asked.

Port did not answer me, but instead pulled a blanket off of a cage. "Are you ready, Mr. Hunter?" He asked.

I got into a battle-ready pose. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Three, two, one... Fight!" Port slammed the lock with an axe and the door opened. The Beowolf crawled towards me and roared. He slashed at me, but I dodged it, jumping backwards. I cloaked and made my way to the other side of the classroom. "Those invisibility powers won't help you here. Grimm sense emotion, and are attracted to fear."

My cloak wore off. "Who says I'm afraid?" The Grimm rushed me and slashed at me. Its claws made contact with my left arm, drawing blood. I grunted in pain and felt the cut. I looked at my right hand, blood covering my robotic fingers. It was nothing too deep, and nothing some Stim could not fix. I injected 20 CCs of Stim and felt my wounds close and scar up. I wiped the blood on my suit and scowled under my helmet. I jumped onto the wall and wallran, gaining height. Once I was high up enough, I jumped off the wall. I let gravity pull me down and down, closer to the Beowolf. I brought down my metal heel on the Grimm's skull, cracking its mask. I flipped away from it and landed on my feet. The class was cheering for me, but I didn't even kill it, I only pissed it off.

It roared at me and started charging at me. As it got close, I activated my semblance, sending out a shockwave. It knocked the Grimm away from me, and it was finally at range. I roundhouse kicked the air, firing lead bullets at the Beowolf. I kicked the air again and again, firing more and more bullets. This only made the Grimm more angry. It charged at me, jaws wide open. As it was about to clamp its jaws shut on me, I caught them and held them in place. Groaning and grunting, I opened them more and more, until... crack. I broke the creature's jaw and the whole class, including Port, gasped.

The Grimm bowed its head in pain. What I tried next was risky. I injected 100 CCs of Stim. As the liquid flowed through my veins, I felt myself get stronger. I moved so fast that it looked like everything else was in slow motion. Positioning myself over the creature's head, I pummeled its head with lightning speed, the final strike shattering its skull, pulling off the Late Hit technique flawlessly. The creature collapsed at my feet and I turned to face the class. The other students were silent.

"Well done, Mr. Hunter. Truly exceptional. Now, go change back into your uniform. We only have a couple more minutes of class left," Port said.

I exited the classroom and grappled to my dorm. I changed back into my school uniform and walked back to the classroom as the class was dismissed. I grabbed my school stuff and caught up to my team and team RWBY. "Hey guys," I greeted.

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