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done by ^ found on google bc i don't tumblr. you'll see why it's here later (: also, don't be a silent reader! vote, comment, and share if you like the story ;))


     I thought about not answering the blonde boy, but then decided I couldn't avoid him forever. Unfortunately. So that's why I'll answer him after Lily and I's little girl day. Or, rest of the day at least.

     I kind of felt bad because of the fact that my teacher relied on me to tutor Lucas, but I couldn't right now. Lily needed me. At least Lucas understood what happened at lunch and didn't ask any questions. It was a little weird considering he seemed like the nosy type of guy.

I really need to stop stereotyping people.

     I rolled my eyes at myself before Lily walked out of the school. My eyes lit up and I pulled her into a hug. Not in the "oh my gosh, I love you so much" way, but more as a "I'm glad you exist now come on and let's spend more than eight hours together binging Stranger Things once again and listening to 5 Seconds of Summer on repeat" way. Does that even exist? If it doesn't, it does now.

     She gave me a big smile, which was as genuine as you could get. I could tell she was just as excited as I was. We hadn't done this since we were at least thirteen. Well, we hung out and everything but it was never a sleep over. We went to the movies every once and a while and also to the mall sometimes.

     I snapped out of my thoughts when we arrived to my house. Oh, I didn't talk to her the entire way here. My bad.

     "Oops, I didn't mean to like, not talk to you. Nostalgia hit me harder than that one time you hit that boy in the balls because he was harassing me," I explained and heard her chuckle.

     Yes! Brownie points to me! I made her laugh! Kind of!

     "Yeah, he never messed with you again," Lily smirked and walked into my house.

     I followed after her. "So, you still tutoring Lucas?" she asked teasingly, nudging me with a look that screamed "you guys boutta smash?"

     "Uh, yes. But we aren't in love or anything. I'm staying single with sixty-nine cats as I rock in a rocking chair, reading a book. Bob, Rob, Fred, Ted, and sixty-five other names that I still have yet to come up with," I nodded with a genuine tone lacing my voice.

     "Well, that's quite depressing," she chuckled, not questioning the fact that I had said I wanted sixty-nine cats.

     It wasn't because of the.. gross and vulgar position, more as I didn't want seventy cats but at the same time, I didn't want sixty-eight cats. Don't question me.

     "Now, time to rewatch all of Stranger Things and Stranger Things 2," I smirked, grabbing a popcorn bucket, one of those microwavable popcorn things, bags of chips, and a lot of sodas.

     I impatiently waited for the popcorn to pop and hissed once I had hurriedly grabbed the bag out. My hand throbbed from the heat and I mentally glared at the inanimate object. I was just excited and really wanted to spend time with Lily. Again, all platonic feelings towards her.

I ran to the movie room (yes, we have a movie room) with the snacks held tightly against my chest. The Stranger Things intro was already playing and I rolled my eyes. She loved Stranger Things to the point where she played it without me. That's some dedication right there.

I turned the lights off and set the snacks down on a table. I grinned in triumph, satisfied of the work I had done. The blinds were almost always shut because, well, it was a movie room.

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