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The next thing I knew, I was at school once again. The weekend had gone by way too fast but that was normal at this point. I groaned as I looked up at the board, seeing the date written out.

Monday, no fun day.

"Good morning, class. As usual, get the warm-up from the back counter and do Monday. We'll review for the test tomorrow and you'll get your study guide and blah, blah, blah," Ms. Rodriguez said and walked to her desk.

     I chuckled and soon realized that I didn't have a pencil. I glanced to the side of me, where Lily was, then glanced to the other side of me, where a blonde boy was.

    "Do you have a pencil?" I asked Lily who only shook her head in response. I internally groaned. "Really? I thought you had a dozen of those stupid things."

"Nope," she responded, popping the "p" and suggestively looked back and forth from me to Lucas. I was not going to ask Lucas.

     "Do you have a pencil?" I asked the boy next to me, who also shook his head. Why does nobody have more than one pencil?

     I let out an annoyed huff, walking to the back of the classroom to where Lucas was seated. I can't believe I'm actually going through with this. He looked me in the eyes questioningly and I felt my stomach swirl a little. Woah, calm down there, belly, because I never asked for your input on this situation, thank you very much.

     "Do you have a pencil?" I muttered out, annoyed at the fact that I was asking Lucas.

     He held up his pencil that was in his hand. I smiled happily and tried to take the beautiful, yellow object.

     He laughed, pulling the pencil away. "I'm using it, dummy."

That was quite rude.

     "Well, do you have a pencil that you aren't using?" I asked, the annoyed tone now lacing my voice.

     "Nope," he replied smugly, playing with the pencil in his hand.

     I glared at the boy and walked back to my seat. Ms. Rodriguez glanced at me with a confused expression before passing out white boards with expo markers. Oh gosh, we're reviewing like this. At least I didn't have to have a pencil.

She put the first math problem on the board and I grinned, glad that it wasn't one of those really long, time consuming, and hard ones. I hated those with a strong passion.

I was one of the first ones to finish so I then checked my answer with Lily's. Lily was extremely good at math so I was pleased to know that she had the same answer as me. She chuckled at the look on my face.

"The answer should round to 124.7," Ms. Rodriguez said after everybody was finished.

I heard a loud groan from the back and I quietly laughed at the fact that it was Lucas who made the sound. "I got 54, what the fu-" Lucas caught himself before he let out the big bomb, saying, "-udge. How does this even work?"

The woman sighed and proceeded to go over the problem. It was quite boring considering the fact that it took a few minutes just to work out the problem.

"Oh, you don't square it," Lucas muttered out sheepishly. "That's fine. I'll just be sitting over here, failing these math problems."

"Well, I didn't get you to get tutored for nothing," Ms. Rodriguez replied.

Lucas mumbled something to himself and shortly afterwards, the next problem was up on the board.

The bell rang after millions upon millions of math problems that I won't ever use in my entire life. Like, just teach me how to get a job, pay my bills, and buy a house rather than teaching us these complicated math units.

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