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picture above is lucas with his glasses on

after two years of writing this, yeah. this is definitely not lucas LMAO

The next day, I didn't expect to wake up next to Lucas. Nor did I expect to be so hot with a nauseous feeling. I felt like throwing up and I actually could on Lucas because, well, he's Lucas. Do I really need to say more?

     However, I refrained myself from doing so because I'm a nice human being. But his snores are so loud, it's literally really funny. He's like Lily when she drinks coffee. Loud and cute.

I'm insane for calling him cute when he snores, but I'm too tired to fight with my inner self. Maybe later. "Are you going to school? Are you going to school? Are you going to school?" I asked repeatedly while poking his cheek.

Lucas slowly opened his eyes and a groan left his mouth, "It's like, five a.m., go to sleep." His voice was mumbly and I could tell he was barely awake.

I threw the soft blanket onto Lucas and stared at him. "Answer me question, dummy."

"I can skip for today," he said tiredly and closed his eyes again. "Now go back to sleep."

"Only if we can get ice cream," I told him sternly.

"Fine, but your mom would probably kill me if I get you even sicker," he grumbled.

"My mom loves you, now shut up," I retorted and fanned my face because I was hot. Temperature wise, that is.

     He just shrugged and cuddled himself into me. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Get off of me, you weirdo."

     "Make me," he replied like the child he is.

     "But you're making me hot," I complained, dragging out the words because I'm such a child too.

This only made him cuddle me harder.

"You're literally going to murder me!" I whined, trying to shove the big boulder that acted like a child off of me. It didn't work in my favor, unfortunately.

     "I'll die with you any day, babe," he responded and put his arm over my body.

     I huffed in annoyance and shoved him off of me with all of the strength I could muster up, which wasn't a lot considering I was tired and sick. I rolled away from Lucas with a sigh.

     But the next thing I knew, I was back into my dreamy world of Klaus.

     I woke up once again and groaned at the heat. I could feel the sweat on my forehead and I coughed very loudly. The action made Lucas groan as well. It's a groaning party, woo! I love waking people up.

"Where's your bathroom? I need to go take a shower. I need clothes too," I stared and poked Lucas repeatedly again. I heard him hum and mumble words that were inaudible to me. It's either because I'm going deaf or he's just really not speaking loudly. Let's hope it's the latter.

     He flicked my arm, causing me to pout. "Stop poking me. The bathroom is literally connected to this room. And I already put clothes on the counter sink thing. Goodnight," he mumbled and started to snore a few seconds later. Wow, what a fast sleeper.

     I rolled off of his bed with a big yawn. I walked into his bathroom and started to brush my teeth, jamming out to music in my head. Afterwards, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned the shower water on, waiting for the water to turn warm.

     To say the shower was amazing would be an understatement. It was euphoria. The shower was so big and I danced and sang to the songs in my head. I'm surprised I didn't wake Lucas up, to be quite honest.

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