Chapter Three - Raven Soul

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(Long chapter guys! Yay!)

Blair's pov:

Were almost there, I reminded myself  for the twentieth time.

This car ride was so boring and seemed to go on forever.

I counted all the Mc Donald's signs and all the blue cars that past us.

So far there were twenty Mc Donald's signs and over seventy blue cars I'd seen in an hour. Along with a fair amount of road kill.

We finally got off the highway and the pavement turned to dirt roads.  The car went over the uneven ground quickly, making me bounce around in the seat a bit.

"Welcome to Fallen Springs kid." John said.

Now I understood why he liked it here. Fallen Springs was beautiful. All covered in large flowering trees, lilac bushes and vines. It was like living outside.

Houses popped out of no were very now and then. Children ran down streets with dogs and everything seemed to be at ease. It did seem like a safe place. Until we turned the corner.

The pavement returned and the trees had been chopped in a large area where stores were. Fallen Springs seemed to get much scarier all the sudden.

"This is the main area for the rich folk down here." John said.

"It's different." I said.

"That's one way to out it." John snorted.

"This is the bad part of town kid. I would suggest avoiding this place, or at least up till The Cave. Nothing here that's good." He said.

"The Cave?" I asked.

"It's a bar, restaurant type of thing. The place has a lot of parties. The family's nice enough though." He said.

"Could I check it out some time?" I asked suddenly wanting to see The Cave.

"Sometime." John said.

Soon the dark part of Fallen Springs was gone and the beauty returned.  Along with the dirt roads.

The forest out my window was amazing. I couldn't wait to explore.

I recognized a path in the woods as we turned another corner. Where had I seen that before?

Then a large, midnight black raven flew over our car and down the path.

"Stop!" I said.

John slammed on the breaks. We both jolted forward then back because of our seat belts.

"What?" John said alarmed.

I looked out my window, but it was to late. Raven was gone.

"I though I saw something, it's gone, sorry." I said.

"Let's not do that again." John said.

"Sorry." I said again.

We slowly started to move again and I watched the path and raven disappear behind me.

"Here we are. Home sweet home kid." John said.

We pulled into a small dirt driveway. The house was a little thing. From the side you could tell it was old by the paint chipping off and the cracks.

We got out of the truck and stretched. I don't remember how long I slept for but I was done sitting for a while.

I went around the back of the truck and grabbed my bag. A picture, I didn't know was in my bag of fell to the ground.

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