Chapter 19: Raven Soul

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Blairs pov:

With my birthday quickly approaching I got more nervous. Not just about getting these apparently amazing powers that could save or destroy the world. I couldn't see myself killing Kade.

Sure he was the bad guy, but I just couldn't do it. Not yet at least.

Blake was always there to help though, and Alba and River.  I told River about every thing because I trust him and so does Alba.

Blake doesn't like me hanging out with River as much as I do but he'd have to deal. River was my friend.

Katrina was a totally different story. She was totally under Kades spell and did anything and everything to please him. She had officially gone bad.

X was failing biology so I told her to come over and we'll study together.

I wonder if she's ever going to tell me she can sense things. That she know about this magical world we live in. I hope she would confess.

"X is here." Alba said.

"Ok, thanks." I said.

I ran from my room and opened the door for X.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi." X said.

"How'd you get here?" I asked.

There was no car and I knew she could have walked here, but would she really?

"Daniel dropped me off." X said.

"Oh, ok." I said.

Daniele had no powers and no clue about this world, as far as I knew at least.

"Alright, let's get to it." I said.

I showed her my small room and we studied for the upcoming test.

I read everything out loud for X.

I wonder how she studies when's she's alone? Or reads?

"Blair I gotta tell you something." She said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Are you sitting?" X asked.

"Yes." I said, even though she knew I was standing.

"You know how sometimes I can walk and I don't bump into things?" X said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well I- I er I've memorized the school!" X said.

"Really? How's that?" I asked.

"Well I got a Braille map from the sigh language teacher and I've been really working on how many steps it takes to get around. It's taken me a few years but I think I got it down. Just in case you were wondering." She said.

"How did you memorize the map of you couldn't tell where things were?" I asked.

"Years of practice! I've been learning the steps for a while now." X said.

"Yeah, but there's always people around and stuff." I said.

"Because I can't see my hearings better so I can usually hear people and such." X said.

"Oh." I said.

Why won't she tell me?

We studied for another hour before X had to leave. Once she was gone I went to Rivers.

John and River agreed that it would be a good idea for me to learn about how to use magic so when I get my powers it won't be overwhelming.

River gave me examples while John explained how it worked. I came over and did this almost daily.

They tried to give me as much information as they could in the short time before my birthday. Which was rapidly approaching.

The information seemed endless and I was worried I wouldn't be ready when I turned eighteen.

Later that week I was with Blake.

"How come Kade doesn't just come get me if he wants me so bad?" I asked.

"Kade's a complicated person. He's not used to being turned down by any of the female race, ever. It's harder because you have an abundance of people always watching over you. Also because your powers are so strong, they create an invisible barrier that protects you. It gets stronger everyday until your birthday. By then it will have its full strength. It can be broken though, so never rely on it." Blake said.

"There's do much I don't know. How can I ever be ready for what lies ahead?" I asked.

"You won't, know one ever is. It will be ok though. Your not alone and we have a good chance at beating him." Blake said.

"A good chance?" It didn't sound convincing.

"A great chance." Blake said.

"This is scary." I said.

Honestly it was. The days I was back at home with my mom and going to a normal school everything was normal. Nothing was scary, except college, which wasn't a little scary anymore. Now those days seem so far away. Like I've been in this magic land for years and my old life is slowly fading away.

"There are lots of scary things in this world, but you know the best way to over come those fears?" Blake said.

"How?" I asked.

"Face them head first."

I would have to. I couldn't kill Kade any other way. Especially with my birthday in two days.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated, but life gets in the way sometimes, preseason to.

I just stared pre-season XC and holy crap I'm out of shape. We only did six miles, 50 push-ups, and sprints and I almost end died. No it wasn't to bad, I'm kidding.

I'll live but tomorrow's going to be harder, then we have a 20 mile bike ride on Saturday. I'm going to be so tired. So sorry if I don't update as much, schools right around the corner to.


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