Chapter nine- Raven Soul

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Blair's pov:

I woke up and everything's seemed fuzzy.

Maybe I wasn't really awake. Maybe I was dreaming?

Then a really bright light came from no wear and I pulled back.

I blinked a few times and everything came into view. Defiantly not a dream.

I'm in a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes and had a breathing mask on.

I look over and see John with a light.

Why! It's so bright!

Then I see River in another hospital bed next to me. Alesha sleeping next to him.

"What's happening?" I asked horsily.

I was handed water, which a thankfully drank.

"Your back in Fallen Springs. Your in Alba's healing room. Lucky for you two, if she wasn't around you'd both be dead." John said.

"Whatever. I want to get up." I said.

"No you have to rest." John said.

"How long was I out?" I asked., changing the subject.

"Three days." John said.

"Why?" I asked.

"You received a high voltage shock." He shrugged.

"When?" I asked not remembering that.

"Before you got far into the house." John said

"Oh. Well I'm tired of sleeping so help me up." I said.

"Blair that's not a good idea-"

"Help my up and out of these tubes now John." I said cutting him off.

He sighed and started to help me sit up when a guy appeared.

He was tall, muscular, with jet black hair and startling electric blue eyes.

I was under a spell, I couldn't look away. It was like my dream, times a thousand. I never wanted to look away.

He must have not ether, because he stopped and stared right back.

"Don't touch her." He said roughly.

Wow, his voice is sexy. 

"Sorry Blake, she wanted to get up so I-"

"Go please." He cut John off.

John sighed again, but he left and shut the door.

I then saw Raven in the window. He seemed to nod to the guy from my dreams. He was real. Raven lead me to him, but why?

Raven winked before flying away. Why would he wink?

I returned my attention to the boy in front of me.

He was really good looking. Like 10 good looking. I wondered what he wanted with me?

"I never got to introduce myself, I'm Blake. I've been waiting for you Blair, for a long, long time." Blake said giving my a beautiful smile.

All I could do was sit there and ogle at him.  He was the definition of handsome. Even his voice was just, mmm.

"I'm Blair." I managed to said.

"Hi Blair." He smiled.

"Hi Blake." I said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm a friend of John and Alba's. Well my dad is. I was going to help in a search party for you and River." Blake said.

"Oh." I said.

I felt like there was more, but ignored it.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"Better. Can you help me up?" I asked.

Blake unhooked my tubes and helped me stand. I had crutches, but what ever Alba out on my leg was healing fast. I wouldn't need them for long.

Next thing I know it River and Alesha are awake and were all in true living room.

"So who would like to explain?" Alba asked.


My iPods going to die, like right now! Lol. 5% battery life.


What did you think? Short I know. I'm having a busy week, full of cousins, sports, training for cross country and a very evil period.

I'll update as soon as I can.


Raven SoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora