Chapter 10 - Raven Soul

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Blair's pov:

"So who would like to explain?" Alba asked.

No one said anything. Alesha was scared and River was still disorientated. I sighed.

"You know I didn't want to be here and that I didn't believe anything. River showed me his powers and suddenly I was apart of this crazy world. I convinced him to run away with me, I thought we could run away from this, which I thought was the danger. We ran away and thought it would be ok, but we were wrong. We walked strait into danger. Two guys in all black were there and they tried to get us. They said they would kill River if he got in the way to get me. It made no sense. After we got away we ran to Rivers parents." I said.

Everyone tensed. So they knew how his mother was crazy.

"His mom knocked him out and stabbed us. I eventually knocked her out and then Rivers sister shot me, accidentally. She was scared and didn't know what to do. I talked to her for a bit and she decided she wanted to come with us because of the way she was being treated. We fixed up our wounds as best as we could then fell aslee-"

"You fell asleep?" John asked.

"Yea, we did. We were tired and couldn't make it to the car. When we woke up the guys were back. We fought, I managed to knock one out. We barely got away, just to come here and be knocked out." I said.

"You understand now that what you did was extremely dangerous, reckless, stupid, unforgiv-"

"We get it." River said cutting John off.

"It was unacceptable and very, very dangerous. Now you know that the world outside of Fallen Springs is anything but safe. I expect both of you to stay here and prepare for what's to come." John said. 

"How come those guys found me when we ran but not when I lived with my mom?" I asked.

"That's because you had know knowledge of this magic or never believed. What you don't know can't hurt you, that is with magic anyways." Alba said.

"What's to come?" River asked.

"There's talk about an evil casters son taking over his place. If he does very bad things will happen. He is wickeder than his father and will show no mercy to those who try to stop him. His plans are unknown, but we know that they will bring no good." John said.

"I can't believe this is happening." I said.

"There's more." Alba said.

"What?" River asked.

"You must be ware of the full moon. All young casters must, Blake here included. The moon will shine on you and will notify every evil spirit around of your presence. Once the moon sees you it leaves moonlight prints on the ground. Like glowing temporary footprints. Then you will be very bright, glowing almost. Evil hates bright. They will all come after you and ether take or kill you." Alba said.

"That is unless you look into a full moon before that." John said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you look into a full moon you can't look away. It casts a deep sleep on you and slowly, painfully takes your soul away. Killing you in one of the worst ways imaginable." John said.

"That's enough talk for today. Let's all relax and have some tea and coffee. Tomorrow's another day, we have time to talk and teach." Alba said.

We nodded in agreement.

"Can I have water?" Alesha asked shyly.

"Of course child." Alba said.

Only then did I notice Blake hasn't said anything. I looked over and he was starring at me. I quickly looked away, feeling my face heat up.

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