Raven Soul: Chapter 18

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Blair's pov:

When Blake grabbed my hand and took me to his car I was scared. I was scared for the people who would die if Kade opened the gates. I was scared to die if I tried to kill him. I was scared to think about killing anyone. Demon or not.

Blake must have known because he looked over and we stopped walking.

"Blake I can kill someone. I just can't, I'm sorry." I said.

"It's ok. I know it's a lot but you'll be saving a lot of people. I'll help you." Blake said.

I must have gone into shock or something because I was shaking a bit and I couldn't wrap my mind around murdering someone on purpose.

"What if I get cough? I'll go to jail for life. Or the electric chair. I I- can't-" I said nervously.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you yet. Blair calm down, it's alright. Don't think about it. We don't have to worry about that ok." Blake said holding my face so I would look at him.

"Blake I don't want to-"

"Then don't, let's just forget it for now ok." Blake said.


"But nothing, just calm down. Take a few deep breaths and let's just go." Blake said.

I tried to take deep breaths and not hyperventilate, that would be embarrassing.

After a minute I cleared my mind and could breath normally.

"I'm ok." I said.

"Yeah?" Blake said

"Yeah, sorry about that." I said.

"That's ok, it's a lot to take in. I expected you to pass out or throw up actually." Blake said.

"Oh." I said.

"Come on." Blake said.

Again he took my hand and lead me out of the woods, the opposite way River dropped me off.

This time my hand felt all tingly and I blushed. This was all new to me and happening so fast.

We got to his black truck and I hopped into the passenger seat.

We drove for a while with the radio on before I asked where we were going.

"It's a surprise." Blake said.

"I hate surprises." I said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"When I was three everyone shouted surprise at my birthdays and my grandfathers dentures fell on me. I've been scared ever sense." I said.

Blake laughed.

"But mostly because my mom surprised me that I was going to live with a grandmother I never knew existed and I'm never allowed to go back." I said seriously.

"It's not easy, being a seeker and living this life." Blake said.

"Will I ever get to see her again?" I asked.

"If you kill Kade and everything works out over time. Maybe." Blake said.

So I never will see her. I blinked fast, trying not to cry.

"We're here." Blake said.

It was a little log cabin in the woods a little. It looked as cute as it did creepy.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house." Blake said getting out of the car.

Wasn't it to early for that?

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