Chapter 2: Scratches Burn

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Chapter 2: Scratches Burn

Chumbus squinted at Psytrin as he sprinted alongside him, "why Magma?"

"I like fire," Psytrin simply responded, head forward as he ran.

"I knew a guy who liked fire. The dude's kinda like you, obnoxious and to the point," Chumbus sighed, "can't say I don't miss him though."

Psytrin nodded, "where is this guy now?"



Chumbus looked towards Psytrin and noticed a paper sticking out of his pocket. He quickly snatched it and stopped, "oh? What's this?"

"Justin!" Psytrin whined as he stopped running.

"Igneous, huh?"

"Yep, a sword that catches fire. It's a Legendary, see the "L" on the corner of the map?"

"Where did you get this?"

"A player named Leo dropped it when he dropped his map."

"What do you mean by that...?" Chumbus tilted his head.

Psytrin's eyes widened, "oh, nothing important, yeah."

Chumbus stopped, "I don't know if you know how games like these work, but looting is definitely frowned upon. Damn it kid, I hope you didn't cause us too much trouble... Don't you want something similar to your bubble activation thing?"

"Igneous the Blade of Inferno, was built out of dragon's tooth and was dipped into magma- hence Igneous, as in cooled magma. It's a black sword, and has a burning red hilt. Legend has it that it burns with vicious flames, and if the player's in trouble, the flames convert to dark matter. I want this sword to represent my sister, Luna, who disappeared in Twisting. She always had red hair, and a dark mind," he looked to his upper right and smiled. "Oh, message!" Psytrin quickly opened the guild chat but frowned as he read it.

Lizardon: Everyone eyes open! We have followers already...

"I had a feeling," Chumbus closed the chat and put his hand to his face.

Psytrin shook his head, "sorry, probably my fault."

"Who did you take from kid?!" Chumbus aggressively sighed, "you're not making such a great first impression, kid."

"A maxed level player from the top guild of this game...?" Psytrin said slowly as his voice reached a higher register. "I said it was from Red Thorne!"

"Red Thorne?! Fuck, I wasn't really listening to where you got it from," Chumbus grunted, "we have to keep moving then, c'mon." He started running before Psytrin spoke to him again, trying to lighten the mood.

Psytrin sighed, "so, you know a lot about this game, you want any legendary?"

"I've been looking forward to finding the Feline's Amulet. It grants me the ability to take traits of all kinds of cats. Fast as a cheetah, as strong a tiger, kinda like my beast form in TWO but I don't think I fully transform."

"We'll find it. I see some enemies up ahead." Psytrin dashed forward, slashing the magma monster in two, "grind a little here?"

Chumbus looked around the dark red canyon-like area before nodding, "we move every couple of minutes. We can't afford any interaction with Red Thorne, if they make us their enemy, that'll make things harder than they have to be."

As the two Hearts slashed their ways through enemies, a large fireball hurled towards the them. A dragon roared as it slammed into the ground, causing it to shake. It spat another fireball, but the first one seemed to disappear.

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