Chapter 10: Scattered Pieces

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Chapter 10: Scattered Pieces

Deep in thought, the boy still slumbers. His eyes opened as he heard a voice call out once more, "Max Jure."

"You! Mysterious voice! I wasn't done with you!" Max shouted, still in hospital garmont.

The voice bellowed, "you must hurry and make your escape, Max Jure. They're coming and are closing in on you!"

Max shouted in frustration, "escape what?! Tell me!"

Another voice echoed out, quieter as if she were in the background, "Alecks, we're going to be late. We're losing too much time, fuck it."

The louder voice shouted, "no! Hana, wait!"

Max's real eyes flashed open as he sat up in his hospital bed. He looked around the small room as he panted, unable to process what happened. He shifted his body to the edge of the bed and flopped onto the ground as his legs grew weak. He crawled to a nearby chair and pulled himself up, putting his light weight on the saline bag pole.

The next day, the Hearts woke up soundly and put on their AmuSpheres. They trained until two months had passed by. Each day was filled with farming experience and training until they had boundless ability, and fighting depended on skill, not weapon or level.

"Are we all ready? The event is about to start, and the Edgar Statues will do whatever they do once they appear. We all have our weapons and sprays right?" Heruseus raised Darkness Fang. The group nodded as they raised their weapons and cloak. He rallied, "the Thornes can't toss us around like they used too, we're stronger now. We're getting Osra back, no matter the costs."

"Let's pick out those weeds." Executioner screamed out. He forced his cloak into the air, and put it on. The Hearts roared with determination.

"Who do those Hearts think they are? Coming in and pushing us around like they are superior. What reason do the Hearts have to pubstomp us?! They literally came out of nowhere! We are Red Thorne! We've suffered, and now is our time to rule this game. We are Red Thorne! We're tired of giving up and giving in, we're at the top now, and we aren't stopping there. We are not going to get pushed around. Not again. Not ever," Aris was briefly interrupted.

"Who the hell asked you to speak?" Psytra snarled, "let's just beat the shit out of 'em. Who gives a damn where we were. Let's deal with the present. Those Hearts have it coming for them."

"Excuse me? Caleb was just reminding us why we must fight. In which I must remind you, you guys started the fight!" Lisanna exclaimed.

"Know your place, Ana. Another outburst like that will end in your cut from this guild. Don't question our methods. The Hearts must be vanquished," Giv murmured.

"Hey! As much as I hate my sister, you have no right to diss my friend like that! We started this guild! If you don't want to be family, leave," Rem snapped, ultimately raising her voice. An argument broke between two sides. One of peace, and one of conquest.

Tharza and Leo shouted, "quiet!" "silence!"

Leo spoke first, "although we started this guild, it is obvious our two goals are different. But in the end, we are one. We are not a guild, we're family. Ok? We suffered together, we got here together. We fight together, and will defeat the Hearts, together."

"Leo's right. Although I am very skeptical of trusting you five," Aris looked straight at Tharza and those who supported her, "I am willing to fight. Let's start planning Eden."

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