Chapter 3: New Lines

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Chapter 3: New Lines

Rubi slashed away giant green leaves that covered their path. They fell onto the digital dirt, to shrivel and vaporize quickly. The two girls crunched as they walked through the damp forest, one very different from the magma region. Rubi stopped as the two of them received a message from Lizardon.

"Already? That was quick," Mel mumbled as she closed the messaging window.

"There any damn enemies in this region?" Rubi grunted as she slashed away more leaves.

"Don't be hasty now. If being trapped in a video game twice taught me anything, it would be that thinking things through before engaging in combat is as important as the combat itself," Mel stalked a low-leveled rabbit enemy, and diced it apart within a simple blink.

She reminds me of Tharza. Rubi thought as she watched Mel sheathe her thin blade.

"You alright there?" Mel tilted her head as she looked back at her.

"Yeah, you're just really different here. Not the normal Melody, but a... way cooler one. You kind of remind me of my old guild leader," Rubi sighed softly.

"Heed Chumbus's advice, and take it upon yourself to become stronger than who you were. I was always a damsel in distress, and if not, than a real fuss to deal with. In most ways Chumbus is right, don't go back to the past, but don't shut it out either. Your past is what shapes the person you are today. You can either sit and wonder of ways to do better, or you can take action, and become a new person. I'm pretty sure Josh would've said the same if anyone else went missing."

Rubi simply nodded and clenched her fist, determined to become stronger and better than who she felt she was. She looked up at Mel, "how close were you and Josh, or Osra... right?"

"We could've been closer," Mel couldn't look Rubi in her eyes as she spoke. "I... uh... I liked him... more than liked. He'd make it clear that he'd try his hardest to save everyone. He changed a lot from Sword Art to Twisting, went from someone who followed to someone who lead the followers. He saved us more than once. I never really said thanks, but it's weird without him. Honestly, this whole thing, the reason we're here is stupid. I'm pretty sure he's gone, but Theo told me and the others to just go with it one last time so Justin can eventually drop it."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm saying that Justin needs to accept the fact that we should be done with these games and go back to our lives. The faster we show Justin that Josh isn't here, he should drop it."

Rubi shook her head, "Justin is Chumbus, right? Theodore is Heruseus?" Mel nodded. "You are..."

"Mel. Simple as that."


"Yup, I didn't really want to think of some fancy handle anyway. Keeps things simple."

Three other player hid silently in the bushes, and watched their every move. An oriental girl with long black hair held up her hand towards them and muttered with a hint of arrogance, "these two can be dispatched in minutes. I can just call up Taurus or Scorpio, and these two "Hearts" won't stand a chance. Although the blond one seems very familiar. I think I've seen her before."

"Don't. I want to see my sister do somethin'. I haven't seen her in three years, and when she finally escapes, she jumps right back in? When she comes back, she's too depressed to speak with her family? Even if Melody is here for a reason, this is my game, and my guild is the top. If that bitch thinks she can just come in so close to the new event and dominate that game, she's wrong. She isn't family anymore, even Psytra and Giv said they were enemies from the start," a girl with brown hair and gray eyes glared as she watched Mel speak to Rubi. Dark blue boots covered her high socks, which strapped higher up her leg. She wore a light blue dress that went down to her knees, and a shiny, silver chestplate that covered her whole torso. The shiny, silver armor covered her arms as well, opening at her wrists, where her hands moved freely. "She's so fuckking stupid for even touching another VRMMO. You'd think you learned your lesson by now, huh?"

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