Chapter 9: Beach Dudes

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Chapter 9: Beach Dudes

After moments of setting up on the sand, everyone took off their sandals and shoes. A large mound of sand stood in the middle of the main area of people and the Hearts. It provided shade for the group, and wasn't too hard to get to the top of. Heruseus looked to Executioner, who looked to Lizardon, who also looked to Chumbus.

Chumbus widened his eyes, "race to the ocean?" They all smiled and nodded.

"No! Do it over there! You'll get sand everywhere inside the small tent," Mel pointed toward further down the line. She sat down on a towel as she took off her shirt, and brought out a book. Rubi and Kat sat beside her, both arguing over who should use the AUX wire. Psytrin grinned, and connected his phone through bluetooth. He laughed as they yelled at him, and capitulated the radio.

As the four other boys waited at the bottom of the hill, Chumbus spoke, "on three. One, two," he began to run up the hill, "three!"

"Dirty!" Heruseus took off.

"Cheater!" Executioner blasted off from where he stood.

"Fraudster!" Lizardon scampered to start.

Chumbus did not get far before the three caught up to him, and passed him. With every pass, Chumbus was greeted with a slap on the back. He fell face first as Lizardon slammed him down into the sand. He whined, "you all suck! You crummy scamps!" He rolled down the other side of the hill, where he saw the other three darting across a bare beach. He looked to his right and saw all the other people near the boardwalk, and realized it was Wednesday.

From afar, Aris, Lisanna, and Eden watched them settle down. They ate at a cafe across the street, where Daggero parked. Aris raised an eyebrow, "huh. The Hearts are here. Who would've guessed."

"Really?" Lisanna turned around as Aris pointed behind her. She looked through the binoculars at her side.

Eden put down his sandwich, and held up a finger, "it's all fate."

Aris rolled his eyes, "will you shut up? Dude, your power is cool in all, but this is real life. You cannot see the future! You just look like an idiot. Trust me, don't get too flustered with that crap. That's how Theo and Amy got stuck in the stupid video game." Aris paused and rubbed his chin, "I still don't remember seeing Amy get out."

"It's fate we met her in MMO," Eden squinted his eyes and nodded.

"Seriously stop that shit, we're seniors. We need to start growing up before we have to make big choices," Aris slapped him.

Eden shook his head, "nope, I'm only fifteen, you guys are old. Not me."

Lisanna sighed and shook her head as she still stalked the Hearts, "shut it. Isn't Remedy fifteen too?"

Aris slammed the table, "guys, life is still ahead of us. You too Isaac, two more years and you're in the real world, making choices."

"But the real choice we have now is if we join the Hearts, or fight them. Because something is wrong with all our "new and improved" guild members. They never leave the game. Maybe this is a sign we need to leave Red Thorne," Lisanna turned back around and put down her binoculars.

"I really don't know. Let's talk about it more later when Leon and Jenny get here," Aris squinted his eyes and smirked as he watched Chumbus get shoved down by Lizardon.

"Rachel and Tyler aren't coming?" Eden looked around, and sat down in his seat.

"Nah, they said they had more important things to do rather spend time at the beach," Aris yawned and shook his head, "you guys know all they do is screw each other right?"

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