5. Marco Fiorentino

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Marco POV:

I could hear the crowd outside the Limo. We had just arrived at Sultry Nightclub in downtown L.A. From the tinted windows, I could see the long line of people begging to get in. I rolled my eyes at a girl who made a run for the entrance, breaking her heel in the process. The bouncer picked her up with one hand and put her on the sidewalk.

" Stop looking so bored. Come on! We're finally back. I mean, don't act like you guys aren't excited," said Natalia. Sometimes, it's a wonder to believe that this perky, always optimistic woman was my sister. My brother, Stephan, who sat across from me slouched in his seat and took an exaggerated deep breath.

"Gesù Cristo, Natalia! Why tonight? You couldn't come here by yourself," he said. She rolled her eyes at him and looked at me.

" Please! Let's just go have fun and drink a bit. Cause tomorrow you," then she looked at Stephan, " and you, are going to be balls deep in business meetings and you won't have any time to spare for any of us to just hang out."

"If by 'business' you mean 'Jessica', my beautiful lovely wife that I should be with right now, then yes, I most definitely will be balls deep in 'business'," Stephan said. I tried not to laugh, but couldn't hold it in as Natalia scooted over to him and hit him in the head and kicked him a few times.

"Okay, fine. We're already here. Let's go then," I said. She looked at me with a big smile and attacked me with a hug.

"That's--ahh--that's enough, Natalia." I heard Stephan shuffle over and push Natalia off of me.

"My turn, ya big grumpy bear," he said with a laugh, as he held his arms out. I pushed them away, and opened the door to step out. The muffled sound of music could slightly be heard over the crowd. Then, it couldn't. A piercing scream rang out as a girl saw me. People looked at her and eyes went wide when they saw us. Stephan and Natalia had just shut the limo door and were standing beside me. Security walked out the club and towards us just as a group of people ran up. The security blocked as many people as they could while we passed through.

When the nightclub double doors opened, the smell of the rich was lurking in the air. From models, to actors, to businessmen, the club was buzzing with only the elite and a few lucky ones. A woman came and showed us to our seats.

" Welcome to Sultry Nightclub, glad to have you here! What drinks can I get you guys, or do you still need to think," she said. Her name tag read Abby. She tried giving me a sultry look, but her innocence shone through with her big green eyes and freckles splashed across her nose.

"Actually, we ordered a few drinks before we got here. What you could do is find Melinda, the manager. Tell her we're here," Natalia said. I looked around the club as she and Stephan talked about what the first thing he'd do tomorrow was--besides fucking his wife.

Between the three of us, I was the oldest at 26. Natalia was 24, and Stephan was the youngest at 22. Natalia had been the first of us to get married. The jackass ended up cheating on her and a divorce came three months after their wedding. When news broke out that Stephan was planning on proposing to Jessica, his highschool sweetheart, Natalia freaked. She told him that relationships have a less chance of surviving when they're formed before maturity. Stephan had told her that just because her marriage failed didn't mean his was going to. Being as stubborn as they were, they didn't talk until after the wedding.

"Where is Melinda," Natalia asked. Stephan adjusted his hipster glasses and opened his suit.

"I think the more important question is: where are the drinks." I shrugged as I looked at a girl who was staring at me. She made an effort to 'seduce' me by bending over to re-tie her strappy heels.

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