43. July 23, 1998

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Natalia let out a small laugh in the crook of his neck and Stephan shook his head, his eyes red and teary from the encounter.

"You son of a," Stephan began, pushing Natalia aside and giving Marco a full hug. Mrs. Fiorentino started wailing, probing Marco to her side. He fell to his knees and held her in a warm embrace. The family doted on him, all mumbling "thank God" and "we missed you's". I stood at my position near the door, my own tears threatening to escape at the sight.

A tug at my ankles pulled my attention away from the family.

"Oliver, oh baby," I whispered. I adjusted my backpack and bent down to pick him up. His purrs filled my ears and I snuggled him. His eyes were closed as he nudged my face with his dark-grey head.  Sergio shuffled uncomfortably at my side and I looked up to notice the family composed and staring at us. I cleared my throat and set Oliver down at my side. He didn't walk away, instead wrapping his tail around my leg. I directed my attention to the family.

Francesca's eyes averted mine and I mentally yelled a small victory chant.

Guess who got your grandson back! Guess who got your grandson back! I did bi-

"Did you do this," spoke Mr. Fiorentino. He was addressing me, his arm extended towards Marco. I gave a small nod.

"Sergio got us back here this morning," I answered. Sergio looked at me and gave a small smile. Natalia stared at him, her eyes longing to say something.

"Thank you so much," Mrs. Fiorentino said between sniffles. "We had guards looking for him and when there weren't any leads we thought-" she covered her face. Mr. Fiorentino pulled her into his arms.

"I fired you," spoke Francesca. I was taken aback by her words.

"Excuse me,"  I said.

"You could've gotten him killed. Compromised his rescue," spoke the devil herself, Francesca. I frowned, mostly shocked that this woman would choose now to say something like that. "What, you thought this would fix the fact that you messed up? He would have never been in this situation if-".

"Nonna," Marco warned. She stopped and wiped a tear from her cheek and quickly wiped her nose. I bit my tongue, avoiding the string of words begging to roll off. The silence was thick until I remembered something.

"Um, we have some new findings--about the bombing."

"We already know Pietro did it," said Francesca snarlingly.

This woman...

"Not that," I said calmly, despite my rapidly growing irritation.

"I think we'd rather enjoy Marcos presence first before getting back to that," interrupted Mr. Fiorentino.

"Oh, right. I understand, " I said.

"He's safe now. The guards are everywhere in and around the house so feel free to relax for a few hours. We are forever indebted to you," said Mrs. Fiorentino with a big smile.

"Just doing my job, ma'am," I responded, eyeing Francesca as I said it. I reached down for Oliver and he jumped into my hands. The family started walking towards the door on the left wall of the large room. I too turned to leave, but saw Sergio standing still and watching Natalia not give him the light of day as she walked away. Marco had his arm around her, saying something to make her roll her eyes and laugh.

I waved the bag he'd given me to hold earlier and it caught his attention. He said something and walked over to me.

"You should stay. Eat," he stated.

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