32. Numb

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"Cane, it's us. It's me, Zhara." I said calmly. He pursed his lip in question as he looked past Vince's head. "I'm Marco's bodyguard," I tried again, seeing that he made no effort to put the gun down.

"Prove it," he said as he adjusted his grip on his gun. I motioned that I was going to set my gun back in it's holster and then I took off my goggles.

"Here, take these." I handed them to him and could only see his shadow struggling to put it on with one hand. I looked over at Vince who's tall shadow showed no sign of distress.

"Damn, what happened to your dress," asked Cane.


"Ha, that suit does not do you justice," he said to himself; not quiet enough for me to not hear. I scowled at him as I took a few steps towards him. I pushed his outstretched arm down so he would stop aiming and I let my hands harshly wander across his face until I felt the googles.

"Hey, what the-," Cane exclaimed. I shushed him as I placed the googles back on my face.

"Get your own," I simply said, trying to see if there was anything else we'd need in the room. 

"Do you know what happened," I asked Cane as soon as I saw that he'd been able to obtain a pair. Esteban was at the door, keeping guard as we searched the room.

"Do I look like I do," Cane answered. "I was walking around cause I haven't seen this place in a good bit and as I'm about to round the corner to head down the hallway, I hear an explosion. This was the closest room to me." He pulled out a 47 from the drawer beneath the computer screen.

He turned it around in his hand, then offered it to me.

Esteban spoke. "Nobody speak," he whispered. I reached for my gun slowly, pushing aside the AK slung on my shoulder. Vince, Cane, and I watched as Esteban gently opened the door.

"Oh shit," he said as he retreated. "Incoming, cover." We all scrambled to corners of the room, hoping that the darkness would consume us. I opened the now empty closet,that held the guns before, and slipped in.

There were footsteps approaching. Once they stopped in the room, I held my breath. Through the crack in the closet I could see three bodies. They spoke quietly amongst each other. Then, one placed his gun down on the desk and proceeded to try to get into the computer.

Try isn't the right word because he effortlessly put in the password and gained access. He motioned over to one of the other two to come over. The guy sat down and took off his mask. The guy was actually a girl.


I felt my knees start to cramp a bit, but continued to not budge. I saw Vince budge as he slowly made his way over to the third guy who'd been keeping watch at the door. Esteban wasn't far behind as he soon appeared in my line of vision, gun aimed at Samantha and the other person beside her at the computers.

I would try to help, but my exit would alarm the two and ruin whatever Vince and Esteban were planning. The man next to Samantha got out of his leaning position on the desk and looked as though he was about to turn around. Esteban was now close enough to him that the glow of the computers would give him away.

I had to distract the guy or guns would go blazing. With there being only four of us, we couldn't take the down the possible flood of enemies not too far from our room that would come in at the sound of a grunt. I did what I could to distract him: I cocked my gun.

He stopped turning and looked straight at me. Well, straight at the closet I was in. Samantha looked this way too. I watched as the man grabbed his gun from the desk and slowly made his way toward the closet.

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