49. The Beginning of The End

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The world seemed to stop, the rains chant put to a mute by two words:

I do.

Something shattered inside me, something I didn't know was there. I couldn't understand it. Did it hurt because deep down I felt something? Maybe deep down I felt that there was hope for a future; there had been an opportunity and now it was gone.

Voice 1: ...
Voice 2: ...

I pulled my gaze away from Marco, unable to readily process what just happened and the consequences that came with it.

Voice 1: Don't be selfish! He had to do what he had to do for his family.
Voice 2: maybe he even did it for you...

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said quietly; he seemed more shocked than all of us. I definitely avoided the next moment, choosing to look anywhere but at the two love birds.

There was a slow clap coming from behind me. Pietro stood and walked closer to the arch and stood by Marco.

"Beautiful. Now, Rosalie-ta, why don't you explain to me how you're going to keep up your end of the bargain we had," he said through a tight smile. Marco looked at Pietro then back at Rosalie. She grimaced and side glanced my father as if to beg for help; he certainly didn't get the memo as he sat quietly.

"W-W-What do you mean, Pietro," asked Rosalie. He gave a fake hearty laugh.

"Oh, but what do you mean? Must I remind you? You and I made a deal four years ago to get Cane to take over Rossi's position before Marco did. We were going to have him go get the crown, which you claimed you didn't have numerous times, and have him marry you here. Then, you were supposed to kill him, give back my land and my brothers land here in Armenia that this pezzo di merda senza valore took, and have both northern and southern Italy all to your widowed self. Notice how in our deal, Marco had only one role and that was to not get Rossi's position?" (T: worthless piece of shit)

Rosalie shifted in her stance and crossed her arms, clearly thinking of something.

"Upon ruling all of Italy, you'd be able to change the Fiorentino laws and live happily ever after with Baby Marco. Me providing Cane with my men so that our deal would hold was me fulfilling my end of the bargain. Making him believe he had me wrapped around his little finger was me fulfilling my end of the bargain. So, I will ask you again," he said, this time without faking a smile but rather revealing his true rage. He pushed Marco aside and got up in Rosalie's face. "Explain to me how you're going to keep up your end of the bargain?"

Rosalie was quiet, and I guess that was a first because Marcos brows shot up in surprise at her defeated expression. But she bounced back almost immediately. I watched her twirl the knife she still had in her hand before attacking Pietro's gut. A sharp noise flew past my ear and I only realized it was a bullet when it made a ping! noise on the knife and tossed it off the edge.

Pietro shook his head and grabbed a cigar from his pocket, placed it between his semi-dry lips, and played with the lighter. "I know how you can keep up your end of the bargain, mio caro." He lit the butt of his cigar and blew a puff. (T: my dear)

"How about I kill all of you... and take everything. Armenia, Northern Italy and Southern Italy— all will be mine." A harmonizing noise of guns cocking erupted. Still being held by Rosalies guards, I tried turning my head to see what was happening. All of his guards were aimed and ready. There was no way out of this; we were surrounded.

"And there's not much you can do love because you only have 7 guards left and," he said addressing my father now, "my apologies for my men's behavior. It was a bit hot on the way up here and they felt the need to cool down with the blood your men." He playfully slapped Marcos chest. "They used your men to dry themselves off a bit, I hope you don't mind."

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