20. Voluptuous

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vo·lup·tu·ous // (of a woman) curvaceous and sexually attractive.

"He's got so much fucking raw food, but no actual food," I heard Stephan say. "Maybe if he'd stop sleeping with all those women—who eat like beasts—and then forgetting to kick them out after the whole 'bump n grind', then he'd have some left."

"Stephannn," said Jessica in a way to tell him to stop. Marco picked up the pace as he realized they were in his kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing here? Who let you in," asked Marco. He was clearly pissed, said the strained vein on his neck.

I'd lick that..

Ugh! I was so horny it was unbelievable. The moment I let myself want him, I don't get him. I quietly huffed as I watched him flick Stephan in the head.

If he could use those fingers over here instea-

"ZHARA! Hi! Oh good, I thought you were asleep or something," she looked flustered like she had something to say to me. I made a 'what face' as I looked at the time.

"It's 7pm," said Marco with a confused face. She ignored him.

" I need to talk to you and Jessica. Like now," she said. Jessica gave me a inquiring look and followed her out the kitchen. I gave Marco, who was play fighting with Stephan, one last glance before following them.

"We had sex."

I froze. I did not come in here to talk about sex. This didn't help my case at all! I squeezed my legs tightly, trying to ignore the aching need between my thighs.

"Like.. literally," asked Jessica who was leaning in the reclining chair. Natalia was laying on the sofa, her legs crossed. I was sitting in Marco's office chair which was large, leathery, cushioned and soft. His office was old fashioned, brown woods and dark bookshelves. It all looked expensive and straight from Italy.

"Yes, 'like.. literally'," Natalia mimicked. I saw Jessica playfully roll her eyes. She was braiding a strand of her light, brown, thick, but pin-straight, hair.

"It was so good! I've never seen a man that.. big," said Natalia as she put her index finger between her teeth, looking at the ceiling as if imagining it.

"So he was very.. voluptuous," said Jessica. I stopped counting the books on the shelf and Natalia looked away from the ceiling and at Jessica.

"Voluptuous," she asked. Jessica nodded. I laughed.

"Jessica, voluptuous, is used to describe a girl. Kind of like to say a girl is curvaceous. I don't think Sergio's dïck was curvaceous." I explained. She slowly nodded.


"Yeah," began Natalia. "Like Zhara. Zhara would be the definition of voluptuous." I blushed at her compliment and mumbled a barely audible 'thanks'. She winked at me.

"Ahhh... so my boobs are voluptuous?" Natalia and I nodded at Jessica. Jessica had been a foreign exchange student her senior year, where she met Stephan. She was from Czechoslovakia, and only spoke a little English. Sometimes her broken English would come out. She frowned a bit.

"He'd have a serious problem if his dick was voluptuous." We all laughed, agreeing.

"But, back to the topic though. It was insanely good. I mean, his tongue," Natalia said, a huge smile on her face.

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