Realised Mistakes. Please Come back.

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"Hokage-sama, please pay attention to my words" Shikaku Nara spoke up loudly when the Yondaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato once again spaced out, in the fifth times during his report.

"Oh, my deepest apology Shikaku-san, please continue" Minato Namikaze was snapped out of his own thought, quickly straightened himself up on his seat and smiled to his advisor.

Shikaku nodded his head while continuing the report, thought he knew better than anyone else that the blond Hokage's smile was totally a fake one and it didn't take him to be a genius to know what he was thinking about.

Two months had passed since the tragic accident of Namikaze Family, their son Naruto Uzumaki was still in a deep coma and didn't appear to wake up any time soon. The poison, which was the handy work of Orochimaru, affected him in a way that no one, not even the specialist in Medic Ninjutsu like Tsunade Senju could do anything to help him. Granted that she could take most of the poison in his systems out of his body, but most of it was absorbed into his body and put him into a coma.

That poison was made special for his daughters, to stop their healing system from working properly and yet...his son was the one who took it, straight through his thin and small body.

His son...

After Shikaku finished the report and left the room, Minato opened a drawer and pulled out a picture frames from it. It was the picture of his family, taken at Minami and Naruko's tenth birthdays. He was putting his hands on Naruko's sister, as the girl gave her twin sister a big present while Minami was wearing a colorful hat, putting on her head by their mother, Kushina Uzumaki who was also smiling happily at her children.

At the corner of the picture, standing right behind her sister with a soft smile on his face, was Naruto Namikaze...his son...

The Yondaime Hokage dropped the picture frames and buried his face into his hand to stop the tear from falling from his eyes. How could he call Naruto his son, when he was an absolute failure of a father? He never realized it before, but now he could see the sadness in his son eyes whenever he looked into the picture.

It was the sadness of being forgotten by his family. Minami and Naruko was twin, but Naruto was the one who was birthed just nine minutes after his older sister Minami...October 10th was not only Minami and Naruko's birthday, but also Naruto's birthday.

And Minato...he couldn't remember he had celebrated any other birthday other than his two daughters.

Life at Namikaze Residence had changed dramatically, other than the servants of one of the biggest clan of Elemental Nations, no Namikaze other than himself returned to the place more than half an hour. The place no longer held happiness, no longer filled with laughter...only sadness was left inside.

Kushina, his beautiful wife, was now nothing but a wreck. She lost twenty pounds at the first two weeks, another five shortly after because she barely ate anything these past two months. His wife was now very thin, her brown eyes dulled and her hair lost its brilliant color of red. She refused to leave Naruto's side no matter how many times the doctors told her to do so, Kushina could always be found there, holding Naruto arms and praying for him to wake up.

She cried a lot, cried every single night, every single time she was with him to the point Minato doubted that there were any tears left inside of her eyes for her to cry. Kushina blamed herself for Naruto's condition, even lowering herself down to the lowest kind level whenever she was talking about herself.

She said she didn't deserve to be his mother.

About Minami, she had come to Minato a week after Naruto's accident and told him everything. From all the pranks she pulled and famed it on her younger brother, to the punches and kicks she gave him whenever he pissed her off, she was also the one forbidden Naruko from playing with Naruto, as she was the only one in their family still care about her say Minato was angry was an understatement. He punished Minami by grounding her for two weeks in her room and took away her forehead protector, saying that she didn't deserve to be a Kunoichi of Konoha. The girl silently gave her hitae to her father and grounded herself into her room for two weeks, if anyone who looked like more of a wreck than Kushina, it was Minami.

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