History of Sayuri Uchiha

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Thank you...Yasaka, for everything." During his one month in the training ground, he didn't train alone but Yasaka also joined in his training as well. She was an awesome training partner and an even better teacher, a very wise one who taught him so many thing that even in his wildest dream such Youki Energy Control and specially "Fuinjutsu" She taught him in sealing art which helped him to create his own hiraishin seals.

But he couldn't help but feel sad for her. Yasaka spent a lot of efforts in studying the seal in order to free her mother and yet...all she could do was understand a part of it.

But in the end, she never gave up.

"It's my pleasure, Naruto" Yasaka said with a small smile "You are my first student and I can't ask for a better one than you are."

"And you couldn't ask for a better teacher, Yasaka" Naruto grinned at her before looking around, realizing something, or rather someone was missing "Where is Kunou?" he asked out loud and then turned his attention back to the ground and saw the young Kyuubi still standing at the training ground, her ears lying flat on the top of her head and was looking at the outside world rather nervously.

Over the past month, Kunou finally got over the fact that her grandmother was being sealed inside Naruto and there was nothing she could do to help her mother, even biting him to death. It were some very tough first week for Naruto, as Kunou took every chance she got to attack him, usually with her abnormally sharp teeth and fists in hope of freeing her grandmother. Poor girl never met Kurahime in her life and really wanted to meet the Queen of Makai.

If it not for Kurahime who KIND enough to heal his wound, he would have numerous scars on his body, especially around his thighs.

But things turned out well for them after Kunou accepted to let her mother do the job. The fox girl began to get quite attract to Naruto much to Yasaka's surprise and soon looked up to him as an older brother she never got. Naruto also couldn't help but consider her as his cute little sister, nothing against Naruko but he was his sister at the other world and he barely knew his red head sibling, while he had spent a month with the Kyuubi mother and daughter at the training ground and got to know them quite well.

"I think she is a little nervous, after all this is her first time at the human world" Yasaka informed him and kneeled down "C'mon Ku-chan, don't be so shy, mommy here, everything is going to be alright."

"If you are afraid then you can return to Makai, it's alright Kunou" Naruto smiled at her, putting his hands on his hip.

The young fox girl gulped nervously before taking the first step outside.

"She is a lot like Yasaka when she was young, I see" Kurahime commented, smiling softly at the sight of her granddaughter running into her mother's arms.

"That's my girl." Yasaka smiled, hugging her daughter.

"I think we should go now." Naruto called out for them. He hated to break their moment but his father and Minami were probably wondering where he was and considering the fact that they were trying to make up to him, they definitely worried sick now and could be out searching for him.

While he was beginning to move out of the training ground he felt that he was being watched by someone behind the trees. He had been feeling this since the beginning of his training days. He looked at Yasaka for confirmation of his doubts. He asked her in a polite manner.

"Is someone watching us from the first day of our training" Naruto asked
"Yes Naruto, from the first day we were watched by a girl but she didn't seem dangerous so I didn't tell you" Yasaka replied calmly

"I guess it's time to visit her" Naruto said

Sayuri Uchiha POV

Sayuri Uchiha the third child of Fukagu and Mikoto Uchiha. Unlike her brothers Sayuri was not a talented Kunoichi. She was trying very hard to gain her father acknowledgement but it was all in vain. His father didn't pay much attention to her because His both Son's are living up to the standard of Uchiha. She was good at fire jutsu but not like Itachi and Sasuke with gifted with Lightning Element a Rare in Uchiha Clan. She felt really depressed of this and mostly stay away from her clan members. They considered her weak just like Obito Uchiha.

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